Radical transformations likely needed to achieve universal health care On 2018-08-23 Technological innovation, expansion of the use of frontline personnel such as community health workers, and rapid increases in health care […]
Carers of terminally ill up to 7 times more likely to have mental health problems On 2018-08-22 Carers for people with cancer are between 5 and 7 times more likely to have mental health problems than the […]
Blood cancer patients least likely to understand their diagnosis On 2018-08-20 People with blood cancer are less likely to understand their diagnosis than those with any other type of cancer, according […]
Teenagers with a weak handshake are more likely to suffer diabetes On 2018-08-13 Teenagers with a weak handshake are more likely to suffer diabetes and heart disease Teenagers with a weak handshake are […]
Women more likely to cut out key food groups if they use Instagram On 2018-08-02 Is Instagram ruining your health? Study finds women are more likely to cut out key food groups and develop depression […]
Hardworking women are ’63 per cent more likely to get diabetes’ On 2018-07-04 Women who work 45 hours a week ‘are far more likely to develop diabetes than those who work less’ Long […]
Images show which breasts are most likely to become cancerous On 2018-06-27 Images show which breasts will become cancerous: Dense tissue increases the chances of developing the disease, so can you tell […]