200 grams of meat a day can increase the risk of early death by 23 percent On 2019-04-13 The consumption of too much meat is bad for the health Many men like to eat, and meat regularly. This […]
Novel 5-minute workout improves blood pressure, may boost brain function On 2019-04-09 Could working out five minutes a day, without lifting a single weight or jogging a single step, reduce your heart […]
Computer program predicts risk of deadly irregular heart beats: Predictive program projected to save lives and reduce unnecessary surgeries On 2019-03-28 Combining a wealth of information derived from previous studies with data from more than 500 patients, an international team led […]
Long periods of Sitting can die earlier On 2019-03-26 Increased risk for heart disease, Diabetes and cancer by Sitting Many are familiar with this daily routine: in the Morning […]
People who don’t drink may still suffer harms from alcohol On 2019-03-19 Harms to people resulting from alcohol consumption by others in Germany in 2014 are assessed in a study published in […]
Diet result: Jo-Jo-effects can trigger heart disease On 2019-03-09 What is the impact of constant weight change on our heart? Many people suffer from the different diets the so-called […]
Higher fitness level can determine longer lifespan after age 70: For older people, fitness may be more informative than traditional cardiovascular risk factors On 2019-03-06 Researchers have uncovered one more reason to get off the couch and start exercising, especially if you’re approaching your golden […]
Kidney disease killer vulnerable to targeted nano therapy On 2019-03-05 By loading a chelation drug into a nano-sized homing device, researchers at Clemson University have reversed in an animal model […]
Cardiac diagnosis using a Smartphone App is better than well-known standard tests On 2019-03-04 How effective is an App for the diagnostic of cardiac diseases Doctors found out now that a Smartphone App is […]
Heart researchers: pushups-number provides information on the health of the heart On 2019-02-19 Push-Ups for the heart “Show me how much push-UPS can you do and I will tell You how healthy you […]