Portugal, Hungary hunker down against Europe’s virus surge On 2020-11-13 Portugal and Hungary on Monday became the latest European countries to impose curfews against the resurgent tide of coronavirus infections […]
A novel therapeutic approach against Epstein-Barr-virus-associated tumors On 2020-10-12 A research team at LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) reports that exosomes derived from Vδ2-T […]
US viewer preference for right-wing TV media linked to fewer preventive measures against COVID-19 On 2020-10-08 Viewer preference for right-wing US TV media is linked to significantly fewer preventive measures against COVID-19 and behaviours likely to […]
Do ordinary eyeglasses offer protection against COVID-19? On 2020-09-16 (HealthDay)—Eyeglasses keep you from tripping over footstools and walking into walls, but they also might have a side benefit to […]
Race-based COVID-19 data may be used to discriminate against racialized communities On 2020-09-15 For some, the current demands for race-based data reflect a desire to ensure the experiences of anti-Black discrimination in Canada […]
Rapid test for the determination of antibodies against Sars-Cov-2 On 2020-07-30 To determine immunity to SARS-Cov-2 and the effectiveness of potential vaccines, the amount of neutralizing antibodies in the blood of […]
Slow test results hampering U.S. fight against COVID-19 On 2020-07-14 (HealthDay)—Test results for the new coronavirus are taking so long that they are doing little to help stop the spread […]
New adjuvant successful in extending immunity against HIV On 2020-06-22 Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center and the Emory Vaccine Center (EVC) are first to show a new […]
The vaccine we’re testing in Australia is based on a flu shot. Here’s how it could work against coronavirus On 2020-05-27 A new trial has begun in Victoria this week to evaluate a potential vaccine against COVID-19. The vaccine is called […]
Scientists find promising drug combination against lethal childhood brain cancers On 2019-11-20 Researchers have devised a new plan of attack against a group of deadly childhood brain cancers collectively called diffuse midline […]