This 3-Move Workout Will Test Your Core Strength

Thanks to this core shredding workout from trainer Eric Leija (a.k.a. Primal Swoledier), you can say goodbye to crunches—at least for one session—and the sore rear end that sometimes comes when you rub your tail raw.

Here’s how it works: You’ll complete the three movements in this workout back-to-back-to-back for 30 seconds each. Once you’ve done that, you’ll rest for 1 minute before repeating the whole routine five more times.

You’ll start seated on the floor to do a Russian twist. But don’t grab a weight as you might have in the past when you’ve taken on this ab staple—Leija does this movement unweighted and you should, too.

If you’re game to take on Lejia’s routine, begin by lifting both feet and legs off the ground. Don’t stress if you can’t keep your body stable in that position, though—it’s okay to keep your feet planted, too. Maintain a long, straight torso from waist-to-head, and lean back so that your legs and upper body make a V-shape. Brace your core for balance, twist from side-to-side, tapping your fingertips on either side of your body as you do. Make sure to keep your hips even as you turn.

Chances are your ab routine already includes the second exercise: the bicycle crunch. Leija ramps up the difficulty of the move by slowing it way down. This increases the time under tension as you squeeze your obliques, which increases the move’s core-crushing abilities.

Lie on your back with no space between your lower back and the ground. Lace your fingers together and stack them under your head so your elbows are flared out. Lift your legs into a reverse table-top position so that your calves are parallel with the floor. Now slowly and deliberately draw your left elbow to your right knee together by engaging your core, extending your left leg out as you do so. Hold for one second before switching sides.

Remember, the movement here comes from your obliques, not from pulling on your head or neck. Aim to keep your elbows and fingers as relaxed as Leija’s are when he performs them.

Finish the round up on a pullup bar with a two-step leg-lift. Grab the bar at shoulder-width with an overhand grip. Try to hang in a plank position so that your core, glutes, and lats are engaged.

Next, draw your knees up to hip height, without using any momentum. Pause for half a second before extending your legs straight out in front of you. Reverse the movement pattern by bending your knees before bringing your legs back down to the start position.

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If you want to get serious about the L-sit position, work on one of these four progressions instead.


Want more kettlebell workouts from Leija? Check out his Men’s Health Kettlehell program (now available on our All Out Studio app), which is designed to burn fat and build muscle with just one kettlebell.

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