Experience matters when it comes to pilot control On 2019-06-04 Fear of flying might seem an odd impetus for a scholarly study, but it was just the push Psychology Ph.D. […]
Diet: What type of Bread is in the case of Diabetes, the right choice? On 2019-05-14 Which bread makes it easier to control of blood sugar levels? Type 2 Diabetes is a relatively common metabolic disease, […]
New discovery could lead to improved blood sugar level control On 2019-04-26 Many diabetes patients do not only have problems with their insulin, but also with the release of the hormone glucagon. […]
Researchers identify possible role of Foxp1 protein in control of autoimmune diseases On 2019-02-26 Scientists at the Higher School of Economics, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBCh RAS), […]
Ebola outbreak ‘under control’ in part of eastern DR Congo On 2019-02-20 An Ebola epidemic that has killed more than 500 people in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has been brought under […]
Fish oil does not appear to improve asthma control in teens, young adults On 2019-01-25 Fish oil does not appear to improve asthma control in adolescents and young adults with uncontrolled asthma who are overweight […]
Harnessing artificial intelligence to control drug-resistant epilepsy On 2018-12-04 Epilepsy affects nearly one percent of the global population, making it one of the most common neurological disorders. While two-thirds […]
Mind’s quality control center found in long-ignored brain area On 2018-10-25 The cerebellum can’t get no respect. Located inconveniently on the underside of the brain and initially thought to be limited […]
In depression the brain region for stress control is larger On 2018-09-20 Although depression is one of the leading psychiatric disorders in Germany, its cause remains unclear. A recent study at the […]
How eating mushrooms may improve blood sugar control On 2018-08-20 Researchers working in various departments at Pennsylvania State University have recently conducted a study in mice. They wanted to investigate […]