How To Find An Exercise Routine That’s Right For You

Finding the right fitness regime is much like finding the perfect coat. You want it to fit you, you want it to feel good and you want it to be affordable. And with the winter months looming, finding an exercise routine that will keep you warm and healthy throughout the cooler months is just as essential as finding that cosy coat.

If you’re like most of us, you start out with the right intentions, however, after a few days or weeks at most, you’re back to your old ways. It’s nothing to do with your character flaws: you’re not too weak or lazy. “It’s because the exercise routine you’ve chosen probably isn’t right for you,” says fitness expert and personal trainer Jerome Samaha.  

To determine the ideal fitness plan for you, Jerome, has a few tips up his sleeve to help you find a routine that’s not a chore but a pleasure. 


What’s your goal?

Before jumping into any fitness plan, it’s important to determine what you’re trying to achieve. Someone hoping to run a marathon will have very different goals to someone else who is looking to tone their physique. Only after deciding on your fitness goal can you choose a class, program or workout geared towards achieving it.

Flexible memberships such as Classpass are a great way to try a variety of classes at minimal cost. They also give you the freedom to decide the right fitness style for you – Remember the more you love it, the more likely you are to stick to it!


Get a 1.1 expert session  

Speaking to a health and fitness expert can help guide you in choosing the right class or program for you, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune! You can book a session and have a program personalised for your needs, which you can follow on your own. Have a consultation every five or six weeks so that an expert can review your progress and schedule.

Bookwell, the beauty and wellness booking platform, can help you find the right fitness professional for you.  


Our brain wants us to be lazy

Studies have found our bodies are hard-wired to take the easy way out, so it’s no surprise you might be craving a bottle of wine over a run. Mindfulness and meditation can help you tune into your thoughts and identify when your brain is suggesting you take the lazy way out.

If you’re not sure where to start, head to the app store and download Headspace or The Mindfulness App – both are great introductions to meditating.


Workout with a friend

Adding a social element to your workout can help keep you on track to achieving your fitness goals. According to recent research, people who worked out as part of a group are 95% more likely to complete their fitness regime. Teaming up with a buddy to achieve your fitness goals together, or finding someone who inspires you, is a simple way to keep you on track. Whether you join the local netball team, running club or find that friend through apps like Run Buddy, committing to other people can be a sure fire way to stay motivated.

Jerome Samaha is a personal trainer with over 15 years experience and owner of Balmain Health Club. He loves helping people and improving lives through better health.

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