Despite being well into December now, I haven’t quite got to grips with my winter running wardrobe. It doesn’t help that the temperature seems to be see-sawing in London – one day frost on the ground, the next you could run in a vest and shorts (well, double Centigrade figures is vest weather in my book). I have an awkward combination of a hatred of too many layers and terrible circulation/ Raynauld’s – which means I end up sporting odd combinations of very lightweight running gear with excessive amounts of peripheral accessories: shorts fine, gloves mandatory. Vest ok, but must wear buff/hat. Last week I even managed to lose feeling in my right ear after forgetting the latter during a cold run.
As for the weekend, on Saturday I pootled happily round the local parks, and yesterday took part in the Windmiler club championships – a 5k or 10k race around the paths of Womble territory. No Wombles spotted (nor, of course, any litter dropped for them to have to pick up) but I did come home with silverware.
So, over to you – and your top running accessories tips for nippy weather below the line please – I seem to have lost my best gloves and my buffs keep disappearing mysteriously into my eight year old’s wardrobe …
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