Well-known blogger dies of breast cancer: keys to breast self – Video

Breast cancer is the most common female cancer. Therefore, women should scanning once in a month your Breasts with targeted finger movements for change. There is a special technique.

The earlier breast cancer is detected, the greater the chances of a cure. Therefore, it is to be sampled is advisable to the breast every four weeks, says the radiologist and senior physician Thomas castle Bauer of the University hospital of Munich. Women should start at age 25-30 years, looking for lumps.

How this hardening feeling in the chest, explains the doctor: “A hardening is, in fact, relatively hard, similar to a Golf ball, or at least as a cherry. A hardening is usually not movable. Unfortunately, only 50 percent of all invasive carcinomas are palpable.“

So you detect breast cancer on Palpation

The palpable carcinomas can be detected, it must be searched in the breast with specific movements of the fingers. For this purpose there is a special technique, which explains the castle-builders: “Scans of the chest itself, and to examine the right-hand side, take the left Hand. One turns and leads the Hand to the upper outer area of the breast. With a plurality of fingers and a circular motion, one gropes for the nipple. In this way, examining step by step the whole breast.“

“The lower areas of the chest can be examined best in the Lie itself. The most important of the foothills of the in the direction of armpit. Because here is the majority of breast cancers occur statistically. Therefore, you should investigate this area thoroughly. Likewise, the armpit should be examined to check whether there may be larger lymph nodes can be felt,“ says Castle Builder.

The chest scan shortly after the period

The best time to Sample is shortly after the period. Then the chest is the most soft. Who felt a hardening, should immediately go to the woman doctor. With examination methods such as ultrasound, mammography and, in some cases, the MRI can clarify the specialist, whether it is in the hardening of the actually breast cancer and the appropriate treatment can be initiated.