As she searches the Tobacco effectively overcome
Known for a long time, what are the risks of Smoking, but still, the percentage of smokers in Germany is relatively high. The desire for a smoke-stop counts, therefore, one of the most common resolutions for the new year. But to stop Smoking is difficult for many. Outpatient and inpatient Smoking cessation therapies can help. Currently being prepared at the University hospital in Freiburg is a study that should be investigated which Form of weaning is better. The experts have, however, already now some tips on how the tobacco addiction permanently can be overcome.
Although the harmful health effects of Smoking was not in dispute, but the permanent waiver of the cigarette for many smoke to stay inside, and Smoking is a difficult process that usually requires several attempts, the notification of the University hospital Freiburg. The expert reports of extremely high relapse rates of Smoking cessation without professional support. However, the consideration of some fundamental can fundamental tips are quite helpful.
High Risk Of Relapse
“Without professional help, the relapse risk of heavy smokers is 97 percent,” warns the oncologist, Dr. Jens Leifert, together with the psychologist Cornelia Schulz, the prevention team at the cancer center Freiburg – CCCF of the University hospital Freiburg. The successful way out of the addiction to Tobacco is composed of several stages. First of all, people should inform themselves in detail, both about the consequences of Smoking as well as various methods of weaning, advises the expert.
Nicotine replacement alleviates Craving
The acute Craving for nicotine and the withdrawal symptoms can be, according to Dr. Leifert by a nicotine replacement to alleviate, for example, in the Form of Patches, gum or drugs. For a permanent smoke-stop Changes in behavior are essential. Here behavioral courses under professional management have proved very effective. At the University hospital of Freiburg will be offered for many years, outpatient courses for Smoking cessation, which usually consists of a one – to two-hour group therapy per week and over a period of six to eight weeks to run.
In-Patient Smoking Cessation
Also possible an in-patient Smoking cessation in the hospital, which is only nine days long. This allows for more complex therapy modules, and a more intensive care than outpatient therapy. Whether a nine-day in-patient therapy or six weeks of outpatient rehabilitation are more effective at weaning, should be examined at the University clinic Freiburg in a comparative study, which starts this month. Regardless of the experts, however, have some tips, which can, in principle, help in Smoking cessation.
The Three-And-A-Tips
“First of all, people should know that require attacks in the period after quitting, something completely Normal, and not as a weakness of Will should be interpreted,” says Dr. Leifert. His advice: to Go active with the Situation! Furthermore, the Three-and-A-tips: apply to Postpone, Distract, and Dodge.
Postpone and Distract
The Slide make sense, since the Request is often only in the short period of very strong. “Breathe in, for example, ten Times in and out deeply. You have to trust that the Demand is weaker and to no longer feel at all,“ says the note of the experts. When you Distract it, the key is to replace Smoking by other minor activities. You should think of in advance. For example, you make a small walk, Call a friend or make something, the note of the University hospital Freiburg. The best activities were fun, and as incompatible with Smoking.
Difficult situations to Dodge
When you Dodge or Run away, it is important to go straight into the first days and weeks of the situations that could be difficult. This could be, for example, the break with those colleagues who light up after a meal is a cigarette. “Later, when you feel more confident overall, you will master these situations,” emphasize the experts. To seek professional help, however, despite the observation of the Three-A-tips attached to the Smoking cessation succeed in permanently.
Inpatient or outpatient – What is better?
How is an in-patient or outpatient therapy, is reviewed in the light of the now at the University hospital of Freiburg initiated the study. “In a previous study we have seen that the in-patient Smoking cessation can be very successful,” Dr. Leifert. In the new comparison study, both the outpatient as well as inpatient Smoking cessation therapy on the Basis of going to be conducted to current guidelines and the latest scientific findings.
A large part of the usual cost of therapy is taken in the context of the study and the Participants have to bear only a small share. The investigation is carried out to persons of legal age who smoke at least ten cigarettes per day, and excluded from participation are individuals with a high alcohol or other drug use, Pregnant women, and persons with mental or other serious medical conditions. (fp)