There are plenty of workout programs out there designed to help you get as shredded as superheroes like Thor, Wolverine and Captain America, but for his latest challenge, YouTuber Tyler Oliveira took his inspiration from another hero. For 100 days, Oliveira worked out like Saitama from the anime series One Punch Man.
Saitama has undergone physical training so rigorous that he has surpassed his human limitations, and is now capable of defeating any and all enemies with a single punch (hence the name) — will Oliveira acquire the same powers after training like Saitama every day for 100 days?
The “One Punch Man” workout consists of:
For the first month, Oliveira threw himself into the challenge by completing the pushups, situps, squats and run seven days a week. Oliveira notes that because he was doing the intense workout every day without rest, his body didn’t have enough time to regrow the muscle he was breaking down, and after 30 days the only visible difference was in his hulking calf muscles.
For the next 30 days, he incorporated two days of rest into his regime, and reduced his running distance to just under 6.5 km. During this time, however, he realized that he was falling short of Saitama’s unwavering dedication and discipline, so from day 60 he upped the ante considerably. He started day 60 with a 5 km run, then each day after that, he would increase his running distance by one tenth of a mile (0.16 km).
Not only that, but each week he added an extra 10 reps to his daily pushups, situps and squats. “Surprisingly, the slight incremental increase of only 10 to each workout I was doing was definitely enough to push me to my limits,” he says.
Oliveira says he improved his form massively over the 100 days, and found that doing his pushups next to a sideways mirror helped him maintain optimal technique and correct his form when necessary. He also made some changes to his diet, consuming plenty of protein-rich foods, especially chicken and eggs.
By day 79, his days were more visibly defined and abs were starting to become visible under a thin layer of fat, but the Saitama workout was also starting to take its toll. “This workout is really starting to get on my nerves, I’m not gonna lie,” he says. “I dread waking up to do this pushups and squats. But the run is relaxing, I’ll give it that much.”
Tyler OliveiraYouTube
On day 100, at the end of the challenge, Oliveira reckons he has lost five or six pounds and become generally more toned, but that his pecs have actually become a little less defined due to all of the cardio.
“If I were to do this strictly with the goal of getting buff, building muscle, showing visible gains, then I would probably just invest $10 in a gym membership, go there five days a week, work out one or two different parts of my body each day, giving those muscle groups several days to regrow themselves stronger, instead of what I did in the One Punch Man workout, which was basically just destroying the same muscle groups over and over and over again every day.”
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