In addition to beautiful landscape shots Rachel Bigbees favorite photo subject appears to be out of the Gym.
Here, she trained regularly on strength and lifting heavy Weights.
The result is a bikini photo of her to see: There she is posing with her toned great figure casual on the beach.
But what looks so easy and casual, it was extremely hard work.
Self-love – in good times and in bad
AufInstagram tells Rachel a photo of a young, overweight woman. Eye-catching: A warm, friendly Smile pierced through her round facial features.
It is Rachel. So you saw 1.5 years ago.
– I love the girl on the left. She is brilliant, kind and lovely in every way, but I’m even more proud of the girl on the right. She’s determined, committed, and willing to work her ass off, literally. One day she decided that she was fed up with feeling unhealthy and she transformed her life just by showing up and doing the hard thing, day after day. I’m humbled by this journey. I still feel like the girl on the left. I’m still shocked by what my body can do now… like running any length of distance and not dying immediately There is something so liberating by taking ownership of your life and letting discipline create space for freedom. Very, Very thankful for this life I live. #crossfit girls #womenwholift #goaldigger
A post shared by Rachel Bigbee (@rachelbigbee) on
“I love the girl on the left side. It is in every way awesome, friendly, and amiable,“ she says, even the photo.
“But still proud I’m the girl on the right side. She is determined, committed and willing to give everything and to work hard."
For direct Before-After comparison Rachel has cut her latest bikini photo right next to your old, overweight me.
She adds: "The girl on The right is willing to work her ass off". This is true even in the truest sense of the word, if you look at Rachel’s weight loss front of your eyes.
It is a special Statement that gives off the pretty blonde in order: after all, unlike many who have lost weight, she loves her old self.
To want your chubby, I nevertheless change had to do for Rachel nothing to do with lack of self-acceptance. Their Motivation was a different one.
Krafttraing day-to-day
Eventually, Rachel had just enough of your unhealthy life style.
"After only a few metres, I’m already almost gestorben" Run;, she writes. This should have an end. So she pulled herself together and began to work to – day, with intense strength training.
“This trip has taught me humility. Still, I feel like the girl on the left side. I can still believe in what can make my body now“, she reflects on her rapid success.
At the same time it makes your followers the courage to fulfill it: “There is something so Liberating when you take your life into your own hands and by their own self-discipline new freedom.”
The shows effect. The comments on their Before-and-After-Post from fall excited:
“This is so inspiring” or “wait, girl.”
For Rachel, this is again an extra motivation to stay to your new and healthy lifestyle continue to be faithful.
Although you would not need these words probably once.
Larissa Bright Mouth
*The contribution of “self-discipline: By Training with Weights, Rachel took off over 100 pounds” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.