Researchers find out: Who wants to forever keep a Partner, must be able to laugh with him

Who wouldn’t want a happy relationship that is destined for eternity? Researchers go back again and again in search of the love formula, the have discovered some of the couples, obviously, for themselves.

A study by the University of California has researched where the love lasts for decades, in the relationships of older couples.

The results show, long partnerships are worthwhile – and your success in a given behaviour reading.

Study with long-term couples

The Team of researchers examined the relationship behavior of 87 pairs that were between 40 and 70 years of age, and at least for 15 years, married.

Within a period of 13 years, the couples were asked a total of three times in detail about their relationships.

What are the conflict issues are there? As is often argued in the partnership? What do you appreciate about your Partner and what behavior are contrary have you?

These and many other questions were asked of the spouses. The Interviews were documented with cameras carefully, so that the researchers could examine how the partners communicated non-verbally with each other.

The facial expression, the body language and the pitch of the voice gave each other the Team with an understanding of the emotional relationship of the participants.

The result of the study gives long-term couples had reason to celebrate The longer two people were together, the more positive the behavior were compared to the respective partners.

Trust and well-being increase

Who stays together with his Partner, and before that, challenges, not shy away, you will be rewarded with a familiar togetherness and well-being.

This is the result of the scientists, thanks to their long-term study.

With the years, the couples were always friendly with each other, confirmed often to each other and listened to each other better. Emotions such as anger and contempt, and mutual critique were to go less.

And yet another important factor that played a crucial role.

Humor is the key to everlasting love

The couples that held for decades together, laughed with each other more frequently. Humor could be a crucial ingredient for the love formula.

A recent study by the Martin-Luther-University of Halle, in the 'Journal of Research in Personality' was published, came to a similar conclusion.

In a relationship, one should not take everything seriously. Laughter is finally healthy – just like a man that can share his life.

Stable relationships make you happy

The researchers from the University of California found that the mental health of the long-lasting benefits partnership.

Psychology Professor Robert Levenson explained to the study: "Our results shed light on one of the great paradoxes of the late life. Despite the losses of friends and family members of elderly people in stable marriages are relatively happy and are less likely to have depression and anxiety."

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