Even if most of the people take the risk by the now-seriously, there are still some outliers, which endanger not only their own, but also the health of other people.
To be able to better in chess, there are in Germany now already, in isolated cases, the fine catalogs for which the resist is still Recalcitrant in the pandemic, the measures adopted for the containment of the Virus.
Some examples from the Federal Republic of Germany, where not only “Corona-parties” are a thing of the past:
Between a misdemeanour and a criminal Offence in Bavaria
In most of Corona-Ill affected Federal state of Bavaria mitigation measures in Germany are handled-wide comparison particularly severe.
Here is a basic output is lock but you can only be with good reason away.
The obtaining of food or the need to Consult a physician to be recognized as such. Otherwise 150 Euro fine that can arise from Leaving the apartment.
In addition, the catalogue is in fine, “Corona pandemic” of Bavaria also does Not Comply with the Minimum distance as a misdemeanour with a 150 Euro fine handled.
Not only people who are liable to the prescribed minimum distance of 1.5 metres does not comply with, but also cafes and Restaurants that do not provide for the collection of drinks and food – for example, by the lack of appropriate marks for the required safety distance can.
Particularly harsh with a 5,000 Euro fine establishments will be punished, which have opened despite the ban, continues.
This also applies to food businesses that may sell offfziell yet, however, exclusively food and drinks to Take away.
In addition, Bayern lists some Offences that are not punishable only as a misdemeanour, but as a Crime.
Accordingly, organizers of events in the Assembly prohibition of the enterprise, not only with fines, but, theoretically, even with prison stays punished.
Expensive have a picnic in NRW
Also in North Rhine-Westphalia, this will Not-Comply with split up the measures to contain the Coronavirus in the administrative offences and criminal offences.
As a misdemeanor with a 200 Euro meetings will be handled by more than two people – unless an exception, such as a family togetherness is present.
Grilling and picnicking in the Park can every cost Involved in it already 250 rubles.
In the case of a collection of more than ten people it is really uncomfortable: This then counts as a felony offense and can run in the worst case, to a custodial sentence of up to five years.
25,000 Euro in the event of violations in the state of Baden-Württemberg
“The policy may adopt laws and regulations, we can overcome the crisis, as a society, but only if the citizens help to keep them active.
Those who are still oblivious to this and thus not only themselves, but the entire population at risk, threaten the appropriate consequences“, explained the Minister of health of Baden-Württemberg, man Lucha, the Background of the fine catalog of Federal land.
The penalties are grouped in To categories. The level of Fines for staying in the public space with more than the permitted number of persons ranges from 100 euros to 1,000 euros per Person.
In addition, a travel and travel ban can be fined for infringement with 250 Euro to 1,000 Euro.
Especially repeat offenders in Baden-Württemberg sick: In case of repeated violations administrative fines of up to 25,000 euros.
Other States follow
A pioneer in the fine catalogs of North Rhine-Westphalia as the most populous state, which was concerned from the beginning, most of the Corona.
His measures have taken some of the Bundeslände already a role model – and sometimes even exacerbated. Other States are already planning to follow suit.
Today, for example, will be negotiated in Berlin is also a fine catalogue. While fines for individuals who are not able to carry their identity card, and in the case of a control according to not show even in the room.
But also in the provinces, in which no country agrees to specific consequences, is to Ignore the imposed protective measures, under penalty.
In these cases, the Federal-wide infection attacks namely the protection of the law. This is formulated on a coarser setting, but also penalties of up to € 25,000 and in some cases even prison sentences of up to two years.
- The Federal Ministry of justice and consumer protection: law on the prevention and control of infectious diseases in humans (infection protection law – IfSG) section 73 of the civil penalty provisions, retrieved on 31.03.2020: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/ifsg/__73.html
- RBB: Scheduled Corona-fine catalogue in Berlin. The minimum distance is not adhered to? 500 Euro, please!, archived from the original on 31.03.2020: https://www.rbb24.de/politik/thema/2020/coronavirus/beitraege/berlin-senat-verstoesse-bussgeldkatalog-nrw-abstand-park.html
- The police of North Rhine-Westphalia: penalties and fines catalogue for the implementation of the contact prohibition, retrieved on 31.03.2020: https://polizei.nrw/artikel/straf-und-bussgeldkatalog-zur-umsetzung-des-kontaktverbots
- State government of Bavaria: the catalog of fines ‘Corona-pandemic’, accessed on 31.03.2020: https://www.verkuendung-bayern.de/baymbl/2020-159/
- State government of Baden-Württemberg: the catalog of fines for violations of the Corona-regulation retrieved on 31.03.2020: https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/service/presse/pressemitteilung/pid/bussgeldkatalog-fuer-verstoesse-gegen-corona-verordnung/
Larissa Bright Mouth
*The contribution of “protective measures: Corona-fines: So expensive it is breaking the rules” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.