That cardiovascular disease take seriously, is no secret. The result can be seizures, heart attack or stroke.
Lack of exercise, Stress, and Obesity are just some of the factors that can promote the probability for such a life-threatening disease.
A new study now brings the factor of sleeping with a risk for seizures in combination.
The study of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan (China) was published in the journal ‘Neurology’.
Increases too much the risk for heart sleep suffer?
Each year 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke. Nearly six million people die and another five million are permanently disabled.
So far, many of the traditional risk have been identified factors for stroke – including high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, cigarette Smoking, obesity, previous strokes or transient ischemic attacks, Diabetes, and atrial fibrillation.
Sleep as a potential risk factor, however, was seizures recently with stroke and cardiovascular diseases associated.
Sleep duration, sleep quality, and sleep related respiratory disorders were examined for the results of the study in more detail.
NAP over 90 minutes are not uncommon
Researchers around Dr. Xiaomin Zhangund took 31.750 people in China in more detail under the magnifying glass – the subjects were on average 62 years old and have had seizures at the beginning of the investigations, no pre-layers with shock or other serious health condition.
The researchers followed the subjects for six years, under clinical conditions, where the participants answered regular questions about their sleep pattern and your sleep habits.
The researchers found that eight percent of the participants took a NAP, which lasted longer than 90 minutes. 24 percent reported sleeping at least nine hours per night.
In the gallery: 11 tips for better sleep
More than nine hours of sleep stroke risk increase
In the study period among the participants of 1,557 strokes were diagnosed.
Those who slept nine or more hours per night were 23 percent more likely to have a stroke than those who slept only seven to eight hours.
People who got less than seven hours of sleep per night, had no higher risk of stroke than those who slept seven to eight hours.
People who slept longer than nine hours, and in addition to 90 minutes per day, took a NAP, could have an 85 percent higher risk of stroke.
In addition, the quality of sleep seemed to play a role: people who reported poor sleep quality had to suffer a 29 percent higher probability of a cardiovascular disease than people whose sleep quality was good.
Further research will have to follow
In fact, to have a high Sleep, may represent a possible risk for cardiovascular diseases.
The researchers acknowledge, however, some weaknesses of the study need to be analyzed in further studies more precisely.
Thus, the results apply only for the elderly, healthy adults and not for other population groups.
In addition, the research did not account for sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, which may have influenced the results.
Dr. Zhang explained to the Online magazine ‘Medical News Today’: “Further research is required to understand how long NAPs and longer Sleep at night with an increased risk of stroke associated. Previous studies have shown that long sleepers have unfavorable changes in your cholesterol levels and increased waist circumference.”
- Frontiers in Neurology : Relationship between Sleep Duration and Risk Factors for Stroke, archived from the original on 23.12.2019 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5550667/
Antonia Hagedorn
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