Less Stress, more time for the family, and even a higher level of productivity: The change to the home office as a result of the Corona-crisis was for many workers a positive experience. The findings of a study by the health insurance company DAK.
21 percent of employees felt prior to the pandemic, regularly stressed out, it was during the Corona-crisis, only 15 per cent. The proportion of the workforce that were never or only occasionally stressed, increased from 48 to 57 percent.
More time, if the Commute is eliminated to work
The research institutes IGES and Forsa were for the DAK-study and during the pandemic, approximately 7,000 Employees were interviewed.
Of those who now work home on a regular basis, said 56 percent, are there more productive than in the office. Two thirds also stated they could reconcile work and family better with each other. Similar to many are happy about the gain in time, since the Commute to the workplace no longer apply.
Every Second missed is a separation between work and private life
“Working from home not only reduces the risk of Infection from virus infections, but also for the spiritual balance”, said DAK CEO Andreas Storm.
The positive findings should be used for the future – “move on without the negative aspects of the home office, there is also”. Because almost every Second person missing, according to the study, the clear separation between Job and private life. In the case of the 18 – to 29-Year-old the criticized even a majority of 52 percent. Three-quarters of the respondents in the direct contact to the colleagues missing also.
However, many Sufferers do not want to miss is the home office still: 76.9 percent of the employees who work for the Corona-crisis on a regular basis in their own homes, want to keep this form of work in the future, at least in part.
How clear rules in the home office help
At the beginning of the Work at home as a result of the Corona-crisis pure Stress: child care was to be able to sit on the coffee table and hard to turn off. However, with time it worked for many with the home office getting better and better.
So that Employees get used to working from home and maybe even more productive may be, but need to be several conditions fulfilled, explains Jutta Rump from the Institute for employment and Employability in Ludwigshafen (IBE).
So with the employer or the immediate supervisor of the work should be formulated packages clear For all the parties Involved should be clear what to do to make up what it is and how the result should ideally look like. “Otherwise, I lose myself in this Nirvana,” warns the Professor.
Transparent communication with colleagues
Also with the colleagues, a transparent communication is the A and O: when are the Meetings, what are the communication channels? Also the question of how colleagues and one is reached, must be cleared with the home office-work, says Rump.
A home office means that you can divide tasks better than in the office, the IBE Director. It can help to structure the working day, for example, with a To-do list.
On breaks and clear family rules
There is also the danger of self-exploitation in the home office insist, however. Therefore, it is important “to make sure that there is a beginning and an end. And that there is a Pause,” warns Rump.
Most often neglected, that there also needed to be for the family of clear home office rules, said the expert: a Quick shopping or in between to mow the lawn, because the Partner asks a question, don’t go, for example.
So the real work may lie. Rump advises to fixed rules such as: “The lawn is mowed, when we have a celebration evening. Or on the weekend.”
Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)
*The contribution of “Less Stress, more performance: study: Many want to be published will remain in the home office” of FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.