Nowadays, the pursuit of perfection, the influence of the perfect body or 100,000 followers on Instagram, what constitutes a benefit society.
What many people forget, but really, are the things that make long-lasting happiness.
The things that convey a sense of “arrival” and inner peace.
And who would have thought: In General, the are not the material purchases or the expensive luxury holiday or the perfectly staged Highlights in the social networks.
The pursuit of perfection and self-optimization builds pressure. The is to constant Compare to get carried away. A comparison of the lags and the many often lose.
In this Interview, Life Coach and Happiness-Alchemista Larissa Wasserthal reveals how these negative behavior patterns with eight easy steps to permanently break and you can start immediately in a happier life.
The beginning of the happy is to be unhappy
Larissa Wasserthal is an international trainer, Speaker and Management Coach. Her latest book with the title “Thinking of you unhappy,” deals precisely with the opposite of Happiness.
First sounds bizarre, but she is convinced: “happiness is to know what makes you unhappy”.
Often our own perception plays a crucial role. You want to focus on the things that you have not yet achieved, not yet or not yet can.
A small example illustrates this: A white sheet and somewhere a small black dot hinmalen. What do you see?
The black dot? Then these eight following points will help to refocus attention.
1. Clarity
First of all, the focus is to draw the attention of and identify to Whom or what you give your attention and why? This is the first step to more clarity about the current Situation.
2. Rating
The book “Thinking of you unhappy,“ is to help to recognize the pattern described for yourself.
Larissa Wasserthal recommends, on a scale of 1 to 10 to determine how much the mentioned behavior on your own life and your own personality zutritfft.
3. Not compare
Not to compare! Sounds easier than it is, as many learn in Childhood to compare – with other children or siblings.
Once in his thoughts anchored, there is still this tendency into adulthood and a big factor on the way of Unhappiness.
Larissa Wasserthal no longer recommends to their clients to compare themselves with others, but with himself.
It makes no sense at all to compare the first Chapter of your own book with Chapter 18 of the other.
4. Reward instead of punish
When compared with itself, it is also important to sanction targets or projects which were not achieved, directly hard.
Better: The Situation will first be taken as a given and consider whether it is possible to change from now on, anything about it.
Pressure means: out, hook, and the focus away from the past, to which nothing can be changed.
Dear to the things in focus that are still in your Hand and you can actively work.
5. Be happy not to move in the future
Smart targets set and also for small interim goals reward. Many tend to postpone happiness to the future: “If only I lost 10 kilos, then…”.
“This is bullshit,” says the Happiness-Alchemista.
This is because, with this Suggestion you’re fooling yourself. Because even if you reach the goal then, is not usually satisfied, you would instead like to have happier, more prosperous, beloved, thinner, etc. have
This urge of self-optimization in combination with the Compare is a barrel without a bottom.
6. Black and White is not Colorful is the motto
Not generalizing, this leads to distortion! Not the stupid Black-and-White Thinking is now part of the past, then you’ll get a roll out from the victim.
“Do you have thoughts about your thoughts and attention on the positive things and successes of the day. The seeker is looking for. The Finder finds.”
7. Gratitude diary
As a true miracle weapon Wasserthal called the gratitude, you won’t be grateful and negative at the same time can be. It is recommended to keep a Gratitude journal even on days when you feel unhappy.
For this, you should try not to just scratch the surface, but ask for what you really are deeply grateful.
8. Speak differently with yourself
Pranks phrases such as “I try “or “I must” from your vocabulary and replace it with active and positive confessions like “I will” or “may I”.
How long does it take for negative beliefs to break through?
So don’t generalize. It is possible, that within a few minutes, the first negative thoughts dissolve. Usually Wasserthal begins their coaching with the question: “do you Know that or do you think that?“
This simple question can provide a lot of clarity.
Behind the most deeply attacked their problems is love, lack of self-esteem and lack of self. This requires an in-depth Work with an expert – the sympathy of this in existence.
But in the end, you’re the only Person who can give you what you need, because: “Theoretically, you can do practically everything!”
Stefanie Naumann
*The post “Larissa Wasserthal in the Interview: 8 steps for a happier life” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.