Why fail so intentions, a lot of people to your new year? On average, 92% of resolutions remain year to year, unsuccessfully. This, in turn, means that only 8% are successful. Ask in the round – you will hear all sorts of excuses: “I got a new Job and no time,” “I had been on vacation and am back in my Routine,” “The weather is so bad,” … and so on. In fact, this type of failure depends, usually of a few reasons. David Wiener is a Personal Trainer and fitness expert in the successful Fitness App-maker Freeletics. With his tips, you can be part 2020 and finally to the successful 8%. Find out what are the stumbling stones should avoid it.
1. The intent as an intent call
Who takes resolutions at all seriously? Most of the time we sneer at the word only. It is another name for a project we know deep inside that we are going to give it up sooner or later anyway. Since this term is so negative, you should reject him now. You indicate in this year, your intent is not as intent, but as a goal, and you have taken the first step already.
2. The mass will follow
Every year the same resolutions: less Stress, lose weight, stop Smoking, save money, eat healthier. Don’t choose resolutions just a of this Standard because someone else makes it. Your goal must be concrete and personal. And: It should be measurable – a goal can be divided into a number of measurable interim targets. Fitness specialist David Wiener emphasized: “your goal should inspire you, encourage you, and even scare.” So you make concrete plans on how you want to eat healthier or how to lose weight. (The first tips, you can find here)
3. The attempt to change everything at once
Do not make the mistake to get bogged down with their intentions. Realistically, the majority of people have neither the time nor the mental, to work on several objectives at the same time. So it is not efficient and effective. David Wiener recommends: “It is perfectly okay to have several goals for the new year. If you implement it, but in the fact, you should focus on One before the Next set.“ One after the other and not at the same time is the motto.
4. Don’t: less than 21 days give up
It is said that it takes 21 days, so that actions become habitual. Best to try it out for yourself. Give yourself the promise not to give up before 21 days have elapsed. The probability is quite high that after this time, the appears to Give up worse, than to continue. (Here you will find the best tips for weight loss)
5. Changes in hope, but nothing change
“Our desires are often controlled by our direct environment. So can seduce us, sometimes even the smell or sight of a croissant. You can banish from now on, all the things that affect you negatively from your life,“ said David Wiener. Fill your fridge only with healthy, fresh foods. You can find a training partner in the office, or in the circle of friends and arrange to meet you so it often goes with him to regular Training. You set a motivating screen background, make in the lunch break, a bow to the bakery and then delete the delivery service Apps from the phone. Surround yourself with things that have to do with your destination. Making it easier for you to stay focused.
6. On the results of stiffen
Day 1: No Results. Day 2: No Results. Day 3: still no results. Day 4: I’m going to throw it. Especially in the case of intentions, which is to lose weight, build muscle, get fitter or healthier, you want to see results right away. This can not, unfortunately.
The tip-off of David Wiener: Instead of using your success to be measured by lost pounds or smaller dress sizes, you should also pay attention to the little things that you do differently now, without it probably noticed. Now take the stairs instead of the Elevator, drink your coffee without sugar, or cook, without having to order something from the delivery service? Very good. It is precisely these small new habits that bring the big changes. Even more important is: do you Feel different? Have you made lately to make better decisions? They are quiet, self-confident, daring, and enthusiastic? Results are not always in the mirror or on the scale is visible, so you can measure your success only in the mind.
For the Start to the year 2020, David Wiener recommends: “If you are tired, to put up each year the same goals, to listen, to find excuses and to push on the long Bank. Are these excuses aware of. You set a really important goal – one that will change your life – and you can use the next 365 days to work on it.“
This article was written by (GQ.de)
*The contribution of “Good intentions to comply with: A Personal Trainer reveals how it works,” is published by GQ. Contact with the executives here.