After the gluttony of the holidays, it is now time again to care for our body with a balanced diet and the right fitness program, announces the excessive Kilos for the fight.
Together with the experts of the app, we have compiled a series of the best Work-out Exercises and diet tips for you. In part 3, we will show you how you can finally get the long-desired six pack Abs without Crunches:
Exercise 1: Jackknife
The “folding knife” know most of the school sports. To do this, you lay down straight with your legs outstretched on the back, the hands touch the floor behind your head. Important: The knees and the elbows are stretched in this Exercise, always completely. Then you lift at the same time (and very dynamic) legs and arms, to the touch due to stretched feet and hands. Knee, hip and shoulder result in a line. Now legs and arms go back at the same time to the ground, before the next Jackknife begins.
Exercise 2: Climbers
Starting position here is the classic pushup. Important: the knee, hip and shoulder are in a line. Now take the right foot and place it next to the right Hand, hip and shoulder remain in motion at a height. Then the walk back with the left foot next to the left Hand.
Exercise 3: Leg Raise
This Exercise is super easy and effective at the same time. You are just straight with your legs outstretched on the back. The arms drop to the side of the body, the palms of the hands touch the floor. Now lift the straight legs to 90 degrees. Important: the buttocks and shoulders are completely on the floor. Then you bring back the legs again, stretched out on the floor, the heels must touch the ground.
Exercise 4: Plank Leg Lift
Now, it is exhausting. First you go in the Plank. To do so, based on the elbows – these are directly under the shoulders. As with the pushup is the knees, hips and shoulders are directly in line. Now, lift the right leg (knee remained stretched), turn off, then the left leg lifting, etc.
Exercise 5: Standup
Standups can be thought of as a kind of inverted Burpees. Here you begin not at the belly, but on the back. The legs are stretched out and the hands touch the floor behind your head. Then you pull the torso upwards, at the same time the legs are tightened. From the Crouch, it then goes into a straight jump, with the hip and the knees are fully stretched and the hands touch behind the head.
How many reps?
We recommend each Exercise for 40 seconds to perform, then 20 seconds of rest. The next Exercise comes back in 40 seconds to give everything, then 20 seconds of rest. If you create three rounds of the five Exercises, it takes the Work out in 15 minutes and makes for Killer Abs.
Fit in the new year
You don’t have enough? Then you combine the Work out with the other Parts of our Fitness Challenge! In part 1 we take care of fat burning and muscle building. In part 2 we have some of the best Exercises for strong biceps. In part 3 we show you abdominal exercises that are more effective than Crunches are the best Abs of all time. And in part 4 we tell you how you muscular legs. Accompanying this, we have here the best food tips for you
This article was written by Cordula spark
*The post “So you get the best Sixpack of life” will be released by GQ. Contact with the executives here.