Expert tips: To sports injuries to avoid

So some people will be happy about the feeling of muscle soreness.

Finally, it is a sign that one has claimed his body during the Training also really.

The balancing act between healthy exposure and unhealthy stress, which can quickly in sports accidents result, however, is quite narrow.

Professional athletes who need to regularly bring to their performance limits, can sing them a song. Especially it is important for you to learn the Limits of your own body to know.

But also Amateur athletes would do well to know how to cause trouble leave and part of a lengthy injury at the Outset to avoid.

Two experts from the sports science and orthopedics, to clarify about five typical sports injuries and how to prevent it.

1. Achilles tendon

Seemingly out of nowhere, a loud Bang draws attention to the fact that the Achilles tendon was spanned, and is ripped.

Their injury frequency is not by chance: “When we run or jump, act enormous forces on this connection between the calf muscles and feet,” explained Dr. Schneider, a senior orthopedic and sports medicine joint clinic in Gundelfingen.

“This can exceed ten times of one’s own body weight.”

And quite as suddenly as it seems, it happens often that the tendon tear. Sharp focal pain in the Achilles tendon at the beginning of the training, in fact, the warning signs often already.

On this, you should listen to then and of football and tennis games, as well as runs, the first reticle.

2. Cruciate ligament injuries

There is probably no footballer, who is not at least witness a cruciate ligament injury.

But also in Tennis, Squash, handball, or skiing is damage to the ligaments in the knee often.

Regular warm-up and Balance Exercises can help preventative. Because above all, protective reflexes, and a well-trained muscle coat can minimize the risk of cruciate ligament rupture.

3. Muscle fibre cracks

Muscle fibre cracks sozuagen are the next, much more unpleasant level of muscle soreness.

As the Name suggests, are not overused, the fibers of the muscles as the muscle soreness only, but quite ripped.

“Typical Symptom stabbing pains in the affected part of the body, mostly in the leg,” explains Dr. Schneider. In addition, the mobility is significantly restricted.

Especially the lack of warm-up training and sporting excessive demand for this type of sports injury is crucial.

4. Damage to the ankle joint

Damage to the outer ligaments of the ankle are among the most common sports injuries at all.

In particular, sports that require short Sprints and stop movements such as football, Volleyball or Tennis are predestined for this, explains Professor Dr. Sven Ostermeier, a senior orthopedic and sports medicine joint clinic in Gundelfingen.

Since the injuries arise from the fact that the feet fold over to either the outside or the inside, can run coordinative Exercises such as mats or Balance Exercises on a wobble Board to stabilize the ankle joint of the apparatus.

In addition, Ostermeier advises strongly to do this, before each practice or game, the calves thoroughly warming up as well as again and again the foot – and seemed to be to train the leg muscles.

In order to protect an already fragile ankle in front of a Bent, in addition, can also be a support Bandage is useful.

5. Tennis elbow

Almost every second tennis player must arrange, at least temporarily, with a tennis elbow. This power primarily due to strong pain in the area of the elbow, which can radiate into the Hand.

“Often, tennis elbow is caused by Playing with incorrect technique,“ says Dr. Schneider from his daily practice. “And not only in the tennis game, but also in other racket sports.”

In addition to improving the playing technique of a slow warm up and regular stretching exercises are also the A and O of prevention.

Larissa Bright Mouth

*The post “expert tips: how sports injuries” is to avoid published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.