Disease prevention: how we learn to be less in your face

Preventive measures against diseases of the respiratory system are particularly important – the Coronavirus affects more and more people in Germany. However, other infections such as the flu pose a health risk.

Many viruses survive for a longer period of time on solid surfaces and can also be outside the body at risk.

It comes with the virus in contact and touches, finally, to the mouth, eyes or nose, it can lead to infection with the Virus.

Therefore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends against SELF, one should develop strategies to avoid touching the face. Easier said than done, but with these 6 tips, you learn to control the unconscious habit of better.

1. Touches are consciously aware of

Before you avoid to be several times in the face, one should understand the situations in which this habit occurs. “Think about the function of their behaviour,” says Marla W. Deibler, licensed clinical psychologist and Vice President of OCD New Jersey, to SELF.

Often an itch or a bad feeling is the trigger – it is only when one has recognized the occasion, you can consciously focus on avoiding contact.

Studies show that summing up in public spaces, on average, 3.3 to 3.6 Times per hour in the face – but even if that number looks in the first Moment frequently, you should give yourself no pressure to the situation-dependent habit of immediately dropping.

The goal should be to develop an awareness of a certain behavior and to learn to be able to do so.

2. Habits by other reactions replace

The aim is to replace the urge to touch the face, by a different reaction, and thus a new behavior acquired. “When you realize that you want to touch your face or touch, ask yourself: What can I do in this Situation?”, Deibler, the SELF says.

So an eye can be eliminated itching in public transport with the shoulders, or the forearm instead of the fingers.

If one counteracts the urge to face contact with another reaction that is suitable to this kind of behavior is becoming stronger and develops an automatism.

Especially for nervous people, it is, to employ the hands. This includes small toys, or jewelry, are suitable. By the employment of the hands supposed to touch can be significantly reduced.

3. Remedy for different triggers create

We know when, how, and why – but what remedies can prevent the contact of the face? If, for example, contact lenses are the trigger for the contact in the face, could provide a pair of glasses to remedy the situation.

The same applies to people who buy your nails – a manicure can eliminate this behavior.

The triggers can be very versatile and not always extreme measures need to be taken this behavior to suppress or turn off. However, particularly in the current health situation, it is to recognize the triggers, and eliminate them with remedies.

4. Practice not to touch yourself

Another tip to unlearn to Face contact, are special Exercises to enhance your own body awareness. For this purpose, a five-minute Exercise, which can daily be carried out.

To do this, we are trying to avoid five minutes of any contact with the own body, and to sit still. Even if it seems simple, it is difficult for many to cope with.

After a certain period of time to learn more control over his own body and learned so well the urge to Express themselves in the face, to control.

5. Small reminders integrate

Small reminders as a support because quickly not to forfeit again the unconscious habits. Notes that you integrated into his everyday life, can help to guide the unconscious habit, and to replace it with another reaction.

So, for example, tissues that are located at different Places at work or Home can ensure that one uses more often to the much hygienic Alternative to touch in the face.

But be careful: Such memories should not be a permanent move, the attention, otherwise they lose their effect.

6. Occasional touches of accept

And then it happened and it has touched in the face, but a contact does not automatically mean that you are suffering from an infection.

The fear of viruses like the Coronavirus should not be amplified, because not every contact leads to a disease.

Instead, one should imagine the worst consequences – because of mental Stress can make you sick in the long run.

Michelle Steinmetz

*The contribution of “disease prevention: the way to learn to be less in the face,” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.