Restless and nervous, constantly somewhere niggles and desire on the Training error is already since weeks: The are warning signs that should take athletes seriously.
Because these signs for Overtraining.
Even if sports and exercise are generally good and healthy, you should not overdo it: The physical and emotional consequences can be serious.
Experts give tips on how much the Sport can be and when it is on, the brake should occur.
As a General rule: exhaustion must be to achieve a training effect, as Professor Ingo Froböse of the German sport University in Cologne explained.
But: “a Lot of people make just too much in the beginning. Sport does not work according to the Motto “a lot helps a Lot”.”
Beginners should feel at the beginning, under calls
Beginners should train, therefore, only every two days, and in such a way that you feel, subjectively, under-challenged, such as the expert recommends.
Although the cardiovascular System to adjust itself after two to four weeks to the physical stress. “Ligaments, bones and Tendons need more like three to four months to get accustomed to an active life.”
The signs that you overdid it with the Sport, are emotionally and physically diverse.
Among the physical signals, among other things, susceptibility to infection, reddened and warm joints, and even the next Morning, increased pulse, according to Prof. Froböse. And of course, pain.
“Occur 18 to 24 hours after Sport, pain is the result of the Training,” emphasizes Froböse. Because so long as need the immune system to make its repair processes.
Pain serve the protection of the health
This should be taken seriously: “pain is always an important Signal for the protection of health.
You can ignore a important run two kilometers before the finish time, but in the long run this is dangerous,“ explains Valentin Z. Markser, Chairman of the German society for sports psychiatry.
Also emotional can make a Overtraining noticeable: One is restless and nervous, sleeps poorly, or has no desire to train anymore. The latter, especially, can often be difficult to of simple motivation difficulties, the so-called inner pig dog, are different.
Markser explains the difference: “If the bad mood persists even after the Sport, this is a sign that you should take it seriously.”
Because the consequences can be serious: Emotionally, such a Depression can be the result. Physically, such a fatigue fracture is a permanent Overload in the Sport in the worst case, as Froböse explains.
Extreme self-optimization can be dangerous
It is so far, recommends Markser in the case of strong performance and to train competition orientation on their own.
“Especially in the Amateur field, there are more and more people, the extreme self-optimization without sports medical support. This is a big risk,“ says Prof. Froböse.
It is important also to have fun in the Sport and not always forcing. “Who says, “I’m only doing this because it is healthy”, is in danger to suffer, especially mentally under the Training.”
Sport-beginners recommends Markser, especially if you are older than 35 years, prior to the start of the training, a sports medical examination.
An Overview of the German society for sports medicine and prevention (DGSP). In the investigation such as cardiac, circulatory and pulmonary function are checked, an orthopedic examination performed, as well as serious diseases by the urine and blood tests excluded.
In the best case, the athlete can run this Check regularly to make.
Sufficient breaks are important
In order to Overwork by Training to prevent, especially breaks is important.
“The greatest danger for an excessive demand is not threatened by the individual to intense workouts, but from their sum and short breaks,” explains Froböse. As a General rule: The more athletic you are, the shorter the break should be.
During this time, you should supply the body with water and energy, especially in the Form of proteins. “Are recommended 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight,” said the sports scientist.
With regard to the length of the breaks, there Froböse recommendations based on experience from sports science. So athletes do after a run is best for 12 to 18 hours, Untrained 24 to 36 hours.
After the muscle building, you should pause with this Form of training, 72 to 84 hours. “Athletes never do two strength training workouts in a row,” emphasized Froböse. Who trained coordination or new techniques, this should allow up to 72 hours bag.
Not a Marathon in the first year
To train appropriately, you should set reasonable goals. To want as a beginner in a year, running a Marathon, it was completely covered, says Froböse. “You should set goals that are within six to eight weeks.”
This means, for example, depending on the own fitness level to want to after two months, three, five or seven kilometres to run.
You have reached, you should reward yourself and a new, equally small schrittiges set destination – so you can get through motivation holes.
In the case of serious problems caused by excessive demands in Sport, there is a need for medical and possibly psychological care.
It is assumed, however, a little bit, recommends Froböse first two to three days to completely avoid the Training. “The effect is usually a miracle.”
The following seven to ten days you put on the best so-called regeneration units – very quiet running or walking and light strength endurance training.
“In light Overtaxing the body needs is usually not longer than two weeks to recover.”
Proper Training: The pulse as the control unit
A sign of being Overwhelmed by Sport of the Morning after the workout, increased pulse. This does not mean that the body is the right down.
To verify this, determined his resting heart rate, says sports expert Prof. Ingo Froböse of the German sport University in Cologne.
To do this, one measures a week every Morning right after Waking up, take his pulse for 15 seconds counting the beats of the heart, such as on the wrist or on the neck, and multiply this number with 4.
The result is the number of heart beats in 60 seconds. This is the so-called resting heart rate, the taking as a comparison value.
The resting heart rate is elevated the Morning after the workout to four to six beats, it means that you are not yet recovered and in matters of Sport is at the best a Pause.
Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)
*The contribution “because Of a lot of a lot of brings: this avoids excessive demands of the Sport” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.