Adventurer, author and TV host Bear Grylls is in amazing shape at 46, although he doesn’t spend a huge amount of time in the gym. As he explains in a new YouTube video, he and his team find themselves shooting in far-flung locations so frequently, and for such long stretches of time, that they end up training with the limited resources at their disposal.
In fact, they have devised a full-body workout which requires little to no equipment, and can be completed in just 30 minutes. Grylls demonstrated the workout in the video, which consists of 20-second bursts of activity interspersed with 10 seconds of rest. These make up 5-minute blocks, followed by 90 seconds of rest, to be performed a total of four times.
The workout starts with squat jumps. While Bear uses a rock he found in the woods as a weight, a simpler option would be to fill a backpack with books or bags of rice. He says that 25 kg (around 55 pounds) is a good weight to aim for.
This is followed by 20 seconds of pullups. Bear does this hanging from a tree, adding an extra challenge to his grip. Although if you aren’t into the idea of splinters, he recommends doing bodyweight rows under a table as an alternative.
The third move is a pushup. Rather than exhibiting classic form, Bear does the pushups over a rock, switching from side to side with each rep. “When you’re unstable, you’ve got to engage your core,” he explains.
Then it’s hanging leg raises (if you don’t have a pullup bar, one way to recreate this movement pattern is to do leg raises from a horizontal position), followed by the clean and press. “You should be really high heart rate and breathing mega hard,” says Grylls. “If you’re not, up the intensity and up the weight.”
After that it’s dips, Russian twists (using the rock or weighted bag), mountain climbers, farmer squats (a variation on the goblet split squat), and finally bicycle crunches.
“It should be hard,” he says. “If it’s not, you’re not working hard enough, fast enough, or heavy enough.”
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