Athlete Leaky gut: 3 reasons why athletes suffer more intestinal problems

Diarrhea, bloating, cramps, Nausea, often this nasty ensure complaints for unwanted training breaks.

Actually motivation lack of, fatigue, and even infections of the respiratory tract to frequent losses in the power range but.

These symptoms continue and the full potential, is as good as impossible.

Action is needed now and this should begin when the majority of sportsmen and women with a view to the own intestinal health.

So important a healthy colon is

Unfortunately, the intestinal health of many sports is still very underestimated. The condition of this organ has a major influence on your well-being, immune system and many other important body functions.

In the intestine itself to trillions of bacteria. They usually settle in the large intestine, where they form the natural intestinal flora.

This is so important for the body because of the spread of pathogens in the intestine prevents pollutants degrades and vitamins and hormones are not produced.

The functions of the intestinal flora are disrupted, it may lead to an under-supply of various cells in the body and to undesirable digestive problems.

These are the causes of the complaints

Many athletes are familiar with the Problem: as soon As the physical Fitness is obtained during Training or Competition, the body begins in the abdominal region, to celebrate a Party, it grumbles, growls, and is often a unpleasant pain.

Often these complaints are associated with the intestines, and can even influence mood and Motivation.

Why the gut at the Moment is not satisfied, and this is especially with physical activities such as sports, it can have several causes.

1. The body is very stressed

Who is exhausting his body again and again, exhausting exercise exposes, increases the risk of Stress.

Through intensive Training and the associated Stress for both intentional as well as unintentional stimuli in the body are triggered.

To this point in time, the immune system then on the back burner – the intestinal wall is permeable.

Now a variety of allergens, pathogens or toxins have the Chance of the intestinal mucosa to penetrate into the bloodstream to reach, and often inflammation are the result.

Intestinal permeability is also called Leaky gut referred to.

The “Leaky increased Well -” the susceptibility to infectious diseases and auto-immune diseases, and a decreased performance and early fatigue, is responsible.

2. The gut flora is not in balance

In fact, certain factors, such as permanent Stress, a wrong diet or a very intense exercise can cause damage to the gut flora significantly – you will be brought into an imbalance, also called dysbiosis.

This may also lead to a “Leaky gut”, and thus, many ailments and diseases.

Fortunately, the gut is flora by the right diet very easy to recover and strengthen.

Sports learning, it is recommended to pay attention to a bowel-friendly diet. This consists of mainly:

  • sufficient complex carbohydrates such as whole grain products
  • Vegetables and salad
  • vegetable sources of protein such as legumes, and nuts and seeds
  • probiotic foods such as yogurt, Skyr, Kimchi or Miso Broths

3. The diet contains too little probiotics

Probiotic foods such as Sauerkraut, yogurt or Ayran contribute to the support of the intestinal flora – they contain microorganisms that can strengthen the building and maintenance.

Unfortunately, fermented, probiotic foods are traditionally nowadays hardly available in supermarkets – a lot of milk products are generally pasteurized and the bread is no longer baked with natural sourdough.

In order to remain permanently powerful, and to enhance intestinal health, may from time to time be dietary supplements used.

Probiotics contain live microorganisms, which not only have an impact on immune function, but also to the maturation, protection and function of the intestinal wall cells increase.

So, digestive issues, and co. quickly recover the past, the fun, the power, and the subject can move station quickly to the Training.

Important note: The information in this article contains only General information. For the diagnosis of a health problem we recommend visiting by trained and recognised Physicians.


  • Deutsches Institut für sporternährung e. V., Bad Nauheim: Vital intestinal for complaint-free performance, in sports, retrieved on 24.01.2020

Antonia Hagedorn

*The post “”the athlete Leaky gut”: 3 reasons why athletes suffer more intestinal problems,” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.