How does Couch to 5K work?
If you haven’t done much running before, the app will help you to get started.
The nine week regime uses interval training to build stamina.
A mix of running and walking will stop the physical exercise from feeling like too much of a shock.
Week one involves jogging for a minute at a time, which should allow most people to keep up with it from the start.
For the full week-by-week schedule of Couch to 5k, visit the NHS website.
How to use the Couch to 5K app
To get started, download the Couch to 5k app and grab a sturdy pair of running trainers.
It’s then advisable to set a realistic running schedule.
To stick by the regime, it’s important to set aside time to exercise three times a week.
Getting the activities marked in your calendar, as well as planning your route, will help to motivate you.
What are the benefits of Couch to 5K?
The NHS website outlines why going for a jog can be good for your health.
It reads: “Running regularly will improve the health of your heart and lungs.
“It can also help you lose weight, especially if combined with a healthy diet.
“There’s evidence it may help increase bone density in some people, which can help protect against bone diseases like osteoporosis.
“There are also mental benefits of running.
“Taking on the challenge of Couch to 5K can help boost your confidence and self-belief, as you prove to yourself that you can set yourself a target and achieve a goal.
“Running regularly can also be a great stress reliever and has even been shown to combat depression.”
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