Kim Kardashian West Reveals Daughter North Is a Pescatarian — Here's Exactly What That Means

The Kardashian-Jenner clan are classic oversharers, much to our nosy delight, so it’s no surprise that we know far more about them than we do many of our real life acquaintances, from what they eat every day (apparently Kylie is obsessed with bone broth) to the dining habits of their kids. Case in point? Kim Kardashian West recently took to Twitter to do a Q&A in which she revealed that her daughter North is a pescatarian, while the rest of the family eats mostly plant-based. But what exactly does it mean to be pescatarian?

Now, a person who eats a plant-based diet usually eats mostly fruits, veggies, legumes, and grains, eschewing animal products including meats, dairy, fish, and eggs — although they’ll occasionally indulge (making plant-based eating much different than strict veganism). But a pescatarian usually eats plants, grains, and legumes, along with dairy, eggs, and fish.

Now, Kardashian West didn’t say whether or not North eats eggs and dairy, but we do know now that she’ll happily munch down on fish along with the plant-based foods the rest of her family eats.

That’s not the only fascinating culinary tidbit revealed by Kardashian West in her Twitter Q&A.

We learned about some of her favorite snack foods, from Oreos to Doritos.

One thing she can’t stand, though? Spicy foods.

She shared her favorite Starbucks drinks, too.

Most of that’s pretty relatable, though there were a few unique food preferences she mentioned that had us scratching our heads. Like…what’s a sea moss smoothie?


In general, it seems like Kardashian West and the rest of her family eat a pretty balanced diet. They focus on plant-based whole foods most of the time but aren’t afraid to indulge in their favorite cheesy snacks and store-bought sweets every now and then.

Lifestyles of the rich and famous — a sleeve of Big Stuff Oreos followed by a sea moss smoothie.

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