As we’re only months away from summer, many of us will be focusing on our weight loss journeys.
Whether cardio or weights are your thing, there are plenty of ways to shed some belly fat.
But if you strive for something a little less intense, pilates can be the exercise for you.
We spoke to Kate Burdett, head trainer at Raw Pilates, who shared six reasons why the exercise is good for you.
“It will ensure that you get fit and healthy both inside and out”
Kate Burdett
1. Build core strength:
Many of the movements in pilates focus on engaging the core and ensuring that you use your abdominal muscle groups correctly.
“Pilates will not only help you work towards a toned stomach, but will also help you target visceral fat,” Kate told Daily Star Online.
She added: “And it will ensure that you get fit and healthy both inside and out.”
2. Low impact benefits:
People often think that because a workout is low impact, it’s going to be easy. That’s where you’re wrong.
Despite pilates being a low impact training method, performing movements slowly will help to strengthen and control your muscles.
3. Speeds up your metabolism:
Another reason why pilates can help you lose weight it because it can help to speed up your metabolism.
Kate said: “Regular participation in pilates sessions can change your body composition as you start to gain muscle and lose fat.
“The more muscle you gain, the more calories you will burn at rest.”
The trainer recommended the Raw Pilates studio in Mill Hill, where you can choose from either tower or reformer sessions.
4. Brain gym
Pilates can improve cognitive function by increasing your responsiveness, motivation and ability to accomplish more.
It will also help you feel more at peace with your self as it’s a great way to get those good endorphins charging through your body.
5. Makes exercise easier
In order to successfully lose weight, you need the physical capability to exercise.
Many people who are overweight or out of shape struggled to perform weight loss exercises.
Pilates is a great form of exercise for those looking to lose weight or even just starting to workout.
Kate explained: “Pilates can also help to alleviate back pain, which can make exercising easier and more comfortable.
“Once you’ve begun to build muscle using pilates, you’ll be able to perform more complex exercises with increased comfort and less difficulty.”
6. Shape changing
One thing is for certain; pilates will make your body change shape.
It will make your stomach flatter, define your waist and make your bum perkier.
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