This Ina Garten Bread-Freezing Hack Can Save You Money On 2021-11-16 We love bread. Baguettes, pull-apart bread, country loaves, sourdough boules, you name it. But there is one problem we encounter […]
Hospitalizations for spikes in blood pressure are on the rise On 2021-11-10 (HealthDay)—Despite a nationwide effort to control blood pressure, the number of seniors hospitalized for a sudden, sharp rise in blood […]
Noom Lured Me in With Its Wellness Hype—and Wrecked My Relationship With Food On 2021-11-10 At the end of 2019, months before anyone would be talking about their #Quarantine15, I was partaking in my favorite […]
Reactivation in the hippocampus could support the consolidation of long-term cognitive maps On 2021-11-08 The hippocampus is an area of the brain known to play a key role in the encoding of long-term memories. […]
When bad things happen in childhood, what’s the toll on your health? On 2021-11-08 Poor mental health is almost three times more prevalent among people in New Zealand who experienced four or more “adverse […]
Highly abundant virus in humans could be a biomarker for COVID-19 On 2021-11-05 Torquetenovirus (TTV) is one of the viruses most frequently found in the human organism. It is also common in monkeys […]
Testing high-touch surfaces in grocery stores for COVID-19 On 2021-10-22 As the COVID-19 pandemic wears on, and the virus continues to circulate, the transmission risks of everyday interactions may become […]
Mutations in liver cells linked to liver disease and fat metabolism On 2021-10-20 For the first time, DNA mutations in liver cells have been identified that impact metabolism and insulin sensitivity in patients […]
Natural compound in basil may protect against Alzheimer’s disease pathology On 2021-10-20 Fenchol, a natural compound abundant in some plants including basil, can help protect the brain against Alzheimer’s disease pathology, a […]
In COVID’s shadow, HIV on march in Eastern Europe On 2021-09-29 In a Bucharest back street, drug addicts rush towards an ambulance handing out free syringes. While the eyes of the […]