Keep the child in a well-ventilated room with an attached toilet.
In the second wave of COVID-19, many children have tested positive, which was not the case last year. As such, given the emergency, BLK-MAX Super Speciality Hospital has shared an advisory on what can be done to help Covid-positive children at home, and prevent the spread of the virus.
Guidelines for COVID-19 positive children
* Keep the child in a well-ventilated room with an attached toilet.
* Keep the child away from elderly, pregnant women, other children, and persons with co-morbidities.
* Assign a dedicated caregiver.
* Keep them well-hydrated.
* Newborns can be breastfed after the mother observes a hand hygiene routine, and wears a mask.
* If required, COVID-19 positive mother can give expressed milk to the child via the caregiver.
* No social gatherings or visitors should be allowed in the house.
* Dedicated linen and eating utensils should be used for the child and kept separately.
Guidelines for caregivers
– Wear surgical masks at all times and change every 6-8 hours.
– Avoid direct contact with the body fluid of the infected child — oral or respiratory secretions and stool.
– Use disposable gloves and a mask to handle soiled linen or body fluids.
– Clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces such as toilet or furniture in the room. Clean using household bleach or 1% hypochlorite.
– Clean the patient’s clothes, linen, and towels, by using a regular detergent in hot water or a machine wash at 60-90°C.
Hand hygiene guidelines
. Diligently follow hand hygiene measures.
. Practice hand hygiene before and after removal of gloves and mask.
. Clean visibly dirty hands with soap and water.
. Use alcohol-based hand rub frequently.
. Use disposable paper towels for hand drying. Alternatively, use clean cloth towels. Replace frequently.
. Dispose gloves, masks, and other waste in a waste bin with a lid.
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