Although antibiotic treatment is often accompanied by a number of complications, after which it is not so easy to restore the body, these medicines continue to be actively used and given to patients, including children and pregnant women.
Antibiotics are special substances of biological origin capable of suppressing the growth of viruses, microbes and microorganisms or completely destroying them. Specificity of action is the main feature of antibiotics. That is, every particular type of pathogenic microorganism is susceptible not to every type of antibiotic. It is this feature that formed the basis for the classification of modern antibiotics for drugs of a narrow spectrum of action (inhibit the vital activity of microbes of one species) and a broad spectrum of action (they destroy various kinds of microorganisms).
Antibiotics are designed to help a person overcome an infectious disease, but it is extremely important not to cause additional harm to health. In order not to face serious complications, uncontrolled reception of such drugs is unacceptable – any drugs should be prescribed by a doctor and taken strictly under his control.
Negative influence of antibiotics on the organism
Before listing possible negative consequences from taking antibiotics, it should be noted that in a number of diseases, treatment with antibacterial drugs is an absolute necessity. These are pathologies such as pneumonia, sepsis, purulent angina, etc. And if a short application of antibiotics can give a very good effect, then too long use of antibiotics can lead to serious side effects:
Suppression is not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microflora in the body. This leads to the fact that your body creates a kind of “lifeless environment”, in which only microorganisms with developed resistance can exist.
There is a violation of cellular respiration, and therefore, the access of oxygen to the tissues is significantly limited, that is, your body as it passes into an anaerobic state.
Negative effects of antibiotics on the liver, apothekegenerika.de clogging the bile passages of this body. And the negative impact is much stronger than from the regular use of alcohol.
The buffer systems of the liver are rapidly depleted, the main purpose of which is to compensate for toxic effects. Gradually the liver radically changes its functions and instead of purification it pollutes our body. In order to avoid this negative effect, in some cases, our doctors prescribe in addition to antibiotics drugs to support the normal operation of the liver.
Prolonged intake of antibiotics literally “turns off” our immune system.
This is only a small part of the harmful effects that antibiotics can have on the human body. Depending on the particular type of drug, this list can be replenished. It is because of such a vast list of serious side effects that our clinic specialists try to resort to antibiotic treatment only in the most extreme cases, when the remaining funds are ineffective.
Antibiotics and microflora
You already know that the effects of antibiotics are based on the suppression and destruction of microflora. Our body, together with the microflora that inhabits it, forms a stable homeostasis. Thus, the quality of our life activity is regulated precisely by the balance of all ongoing processes. Any antibiotic is an inhibitor that suppresses chemical reactions, including useful microbes, which negatively affects homeostasis.
In simple words, antibiotics within us provide a kind of temporary sterility. In such an environment, no microorganism except the pathogens themselves can not exist, and this is fraught with the development of a variety of pathologies. It is completely erroneous to believe that the microflora is able to recover quickly after such an impact. That is why our doctors, prescribing antibiotics to patients, prescribe drugs that support the intestinal microflora.
Antibiotics with pregnancy
The use of antibiotics during pregnancy is a difficult and controversial topic. You, of course, know that during this period it is not desirable to take any medications at all, but what if the organism had to face a serious infection that threatens the fetus? Experts of our clinic never prescribe antibacterial treatment to pregnant women without serious evidence. They can be sexual infections, pyelonephritis, pneumonia, etc.
When prescribing the drugs, the pregnancy period is taken into account. It is highly undesirable to use antibiotics in the first trimester, when the formation of vital organs of the fetus occurs. In this case, antibacterial drugs can damage the child’s functions and organs, causing congenital pathologies. If the mother’s treatment is still necessary, our doctors provide strict control over the process of therapy, so that in the event of even the slightest complications, the drug should be canceled.
If you had to undergo antibiotic treatment before pregnancy, but you are planning to conceive, it is better to postpone it for two to three months. However, if the pregnancy has occurred unplanned, do not worry: antibiotics, which were taken before the delay of menstruation, are unlikely to negatively affect the health of your child.
How to take antibiotics without harmful for health
The main condition, the observance of which is necessary for the effective treatment of antibiotics with minimal harm to the body, is the taking of drugs strictly according to the doctor’s prescription, with observance of the dosage, the time of taking the medication and the duration of the course of treatment. If you are taking any other medications, be sure to tell our doctor about it, since taking certain medications may be incompatible with antibiotics. Also, during the course of treatment should be refrained from drinking alcohol.
It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor if you are allergic to the antibiotics, and if you do not improve your health, and new pathological symptoms are added to the existing clinical manifestations.
So, as you can see, antibiotics are quite “insidious” drugs, without which, on the one hand, you can not do, but on the other – after treatment, they can be difficult to recover. If there is an urgent need, and our doctor prescribed antibiotics to you, strictly follow all the prescriptions and do not stop treatment even with the rapid onset of improvements.