Increased phosphate intake increases the blood pressure of healthy adults
Burgers are literally all the rage. While many people know that white flour Burger buns are more unhealthy and meat consumption should be moderate, since it can also be cancer-inducing substances are to sharp Sear is released, it is rather unknown that individually wrapped slices of cheese is anything but healthy. In this are, in fact, contain a lot of phosphates. As researchers have found, can increase a high intake of these salts, even in healthy young adults, the blood pressure massively.
Fast food is a burden on the body
A lot of fat and carbohydrates and low in fiber: fast food is a huge burden for our body. According to experts, it takes several hours to fat – and calorie-rich foods again to get rid of. The problem is not only the unhealthy fats, but also certain salts, which are commonly found in such foods. So cheese that is used for the preparation of burgers, you usually will find a lot of phosphates in enamel. Anyone who takes large amounts of it, risking high blood pressure, as researchers now have found out.
Unhealthy Phosphates
Phosphates are also contained in natural foods, but today’s eating habits cause us to take more and more of these salts to us.
Finally, they come in numerous industrially produced foods, as additives: phosphates, assist the preservative in many meat products, keep the coffee powder in the free flowing and make the cheese spreadable.
It has long been known that phosphates in slices can damage Latvians cheese and Co health.
As scientific studies have shown, for example, that phosphates can alter the inner walls of the vessels, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. Also, the osteoporosis risk is increased by too much phosphate in the body.
Even for healthy young adults the health consequences: if you take too much phosphate through food, rise in blood pressure and pulse rate.
A study led by the University of Basel, which is now in the “Journal of the American Society of Nephrology“.shows… was published.
Risk for Healthy
As stated in a communication of the University of Basel, it is recommended for people with chronic kidney problems for a long time a low-phosphate diet, because a high phosphate level leads, for example, vessels to deposits in the blood.
With an increased phosphate uptake via food, the risk of vascular calcification or cardiovascular-increases but also for healthy people to develop disease or even dying as a result.
On epidemiological studies that investigate the relationship between potential risk factors and certain diseases.
A team of researchers headed by Professor Reto Krapf of the University of Basel has now reviewed this statistical relationship for the first time in a study with 20 healthy subjects.
Half of the study participants received during the eleven weeks of their normal food, an additional dose of sodium phosphate in tablet form, whereby the phosphate content increased in your blood to above-average, even if in the population, widespread level.
The subjects of the second group took a medium, the phosphate binds and the absorption in the body inhibits. In addition, they received saline, to you in relation to the administration of sodium in the first group.
Blood pressure increased, heart rate increased
After six weeks, the Doctors examined how the different diet, the impact on various indicators of cardiovascular function such as blood pressure and pulse.
A comparison of the two groups showed that the increased phosphate uptake increases systolic and diastolic blood pressure in young, healthy adults significantly – by 4.1 and 3.2 millimeters of Mercury.
At the same time, the pulse rate increased by an average of four beats per Minute.
As the cause, scientists suspect that the increased phosphate intake or elevated Serum phosphorus level acts on the sympathetic nervous system, heart activity and blood pressure influenced.
The effect was, however, reversible: Two months after the completion of the study, had returned to normal values in subjects.
Vitamin D without effect
In a second Phase, it was investigated how the additional administration of Vitamin D has a. Although the Vitamin increases the absorption of phosphates in the intestine, in both groups no effect on the cardiovascular values.
“Our results provide an important explanation for the connection between the intake of phosphate through the food, and the increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the General population,” said study leader Reto Krapf.
“These conclusions are of public health importance and should be investigated by larger studies in different population groups.” (ad)