Corona-crisis in Germany: 549 people have already died, 62.166 are infected with the Coronavirus. Worldwide more than 500,000 cases were registered. In the meantime, the USA have around 150,000 cases, most of the Corona cases worldwide. All the information about the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
- The countries-Overview of the Live card to the Virus outbreak and the Covid-19 Radar facts and Figures
- Corona-office hours: here you can Set your questions to Covid-19
- #Corona care – a action by FOCUS Online and Burda forward: Germany helps the hero stories in the Ticker
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Söder calls "national Notfallproduktion" for protective masks against Coronavirus
Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has a "national Notfallproduktion" for protective masks against the Coronavirus required. It " would have to;dringend" more medical high-quality masks, said Söder on Tuesday in the ARD "Morgenmagazin". It did, in fact, given the inventories in Germany, "only the all were weg" very quickly;.
New masks would have to be foreign sourced, in part, this had to be done under police protection. Necessary but also, to create in the German economy with its own capacity and production. The machines, with those in China, masks are made, originated from Germany. Therefore, had to be changed in terms of economic policy.
There is a requirement to Wear protective masks, such as in Austria and the Czech Republic was arranged, should not give it at the moment. dpa/Sven Hoppe/dpabild Markus Söder (CSU), Minister President of Bavaria, speaks in the Parliament.
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Rents, debts and accounts: a New law allows you to refuse payment
Wilde Beuger and Solmecke , Rents, debts and accounts: the New law allows payments to refuse
You can also read on the topic of Coronavirus epidemic:
- Infected in the district: The current Figures for all districts in Germany
- 10 counties in which the Corona is at its raging worst and 10, which are hardly affected
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- Corona-symptoms: Why you not only on cough and fever, should pay attention to
- News Ticker to the stock market quake
- Output restriction or prohibition of Contact – the rules that apply and for how long
Where is Coronavirus? The real-time map showing the spread of the disease
FOCUS Online/Wochit Where occurs Coronavirus on? The real-time map showing the spread of the disease