University hospital Heidelberg: scandal of the highly acclaimed blood test for cancer
In February, the University hospital of Heidelberg had announced a “milestone in the breast cancer diagnostics”. The clinic reported on a new blood test to improve the detection of breast cancer. In the meantime it is known that there is this Test even.
Different blood tests for cancer diagnostics
In the past few years have been repeatedly reported on medical breakthroughs in cancer diagnostics. So, researchers can determine with a blood test, the skin cancer. And Israeli scientists working on a procedure to lung cancer early detection. According to Australian experts, a new blood test even all cancers. And German researchers reported recently about a new blood test to help in the detection of breast cancer. However, this Test does not exist.

The medical Sensation there is not even
In February, the University hospital of Heidelberg, in February, reported in a press release as a “milestone in the breast cancer diagnostics”.
There is talk of a new method that can improve with the help of a blood test, the detection of breast cancer.
“Our team of researchers developed the blood test is a new, revolutionary way to detect cancer in the breast non-invasively and quickly on the basis of biomarkers in the blood,” said Professor Dr. Christof Sohn, Executive Medical Director of the Heidelberg University women’s hospital.
His colleague, Prof., Dr. Sarah Schott added: “The new blood-based process is significantly less burdensome for women, because it is neither painful nor with radiation exposure is associated.”
However, the medical Sensation not seems to exist at all.
University hospital in the criticism
Soon after the announcement, there were doubts as to the scientific basis of the claimed Tests.
The University hospital, responded, and reported in March, in a communication to take the criticism Seriously.
In April, the hospital criminal filed a complaint against Unknown. “As a public institution, the University hospital because of the symptoms of an unfair approach to the development and announcement of the potential blood tests for breast cancer diagnosis, the at the 21. February the scientific world and presented to the Public had been led to take this step,“ – said in a message to do this.
In addition, it was announced that an “Independent Commission to investigate the facts of the case the blood test” is established.
As the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) writes now, you should also check the tumor biologist Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz the Test. He already came at the beginning of April to a devastating result.
In a statement, which is the SZ, it says: “Therefore, do not need to be clearly stated, that there is in the press release mentioned method so far.”
According to the figures, there is not even a prototype. “Thus no information on the diagnostic value of the announced, but not yet existing product can be made,” said the expert.
Prosecutor’s office determined
According to the SZ, the Prosecutor’s office determined now. Even the suspicion of insider trading and stock market manipulation were in the room.
As it is, show documentation from the hospital that the entire Board is involved in the operations.
The German HeiScreen GmbH, a spin-off of the University hospital of Heidelberg, have developed the Test, indicates on its website that “the Test for breast has not been announced cancer as an early detection test”.
And: “The German HeiScreen GmbH is to assume that it is – in particular, in the case of a subgroup consideration – a very meaningful area of application for the Test will be“, – stated there. (ad)