The contagious winter vomiting bug is back with a vengeance.
Around 700 people have been hit with the virus in the past 12 weeks.
More and more people are becoming infected as the weather turns colder.
Public Health England (PHE) estimate nearly three million are hit annually.
Each year there are outbreaks in hospitals, schools and care homes, as it is highly contagious.
Last month a school in Lancashire was forced to close while it was deep cleaned after dozens of pupils were ill.
Multiple hospital wards have also had to cut visiting hours to avoid the spread of the illness.
And now Brits are being warned to take precautions to avoid being hit by unpleasant symptoms.
Norovirus symptoms include diarrhoea and vomiting, but sufferers may also get headaches, stomach cramps and high temperatures.
Prevention of norovirus is difficult, so it’s important to take all the necessary precautions.
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How to avoid norovirus:
The NHS says norovirus is spread in the following ways:
• through close contact with someone who has norovirus
• through touching surfaces or objects with the virus on them, then touching your mouth
• eating food that’s been prepared or handled by someone with norovirus
The best way to avoid infection is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water – especially after the toilet and before preparing food.
Similarly, avoid preparing food and close contact with others if you have symptoms of norovirus.
Keep in mind alcohol hand gels don’t kill norovirus.
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What are the symptoms of norovirus?
The symptoms of norovirus usually appear within 24 to 48 hours of being infected.
The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain.
Some may also experience headaches, and/or fever.
Usually those who are infected will start to recover in one to two days.
However, young children, elderly and those with weak immune systems can become seriously ill – usually due to severe dehydration.
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