Mary E. Klingensmith, MD, the Mary Culver Distinguished Professor and vice chair for education in the Department of Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has been named the inaugural director of the school’s Academy of Health Professions Educators.
The newly established academy aims to foster excellence in teaching as well as to support faculty education, leadership and growth through certificate programs, one-on-one coaching and leadership seminars, among other efforts. It will help in the School of Medicine’s current effort to revise the medical school curriculum. “Dr. Klingensmith is uniquely qualified for this role,” said Eva Aagaard, MD, the School of Medicine’s senior associate dean for education and the Carol B. and Jerome T. Loeb Professor of Medical Education. “With an impressive background in teaching excellence, Dr. Klingensmith will be leading the process to develop the vision, mission, member selection and early programs of the academy.”
Klingensmith, a general surgeon with an emphasis in minimally invasive surgery, has served as the school’s interim senior associate dean for education and as a director of the general surgery residency program. On a national level, she has served as president for the Association for Surgical Education and chair of the American Board of Surgery. In the latter role, Klingensmith spearheaded major revisions to national recertification requirements.
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Kristina Sauerwein, Senior Medical Sciences Writer
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