Hair loss can affect not only just the scalp but the entire body too. The condition may be temporary or permanent and is often the result of either genes, hormonal changes, medical conditions, a normal part of ageing or stress. Anyone can lose hair on their head; however, it is more common among men. Hair loss can leave a person feeling glum as hair is often a symbol of beauty and youth. Going to extreme measures to regain hair does not always need to be the case and according to studies, applying garlic gel onto your head could help with hair growth.
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Garlic may seem like a strange idea to use as a hair loss treatment, however, studies have proven the cooking ingredient could be the answer to one’s thinning hair.
Garlic contains a multitude of medicinal properties which help with various ailments.
Hair loss is essentially an unnatural occurrence and often signals a deficiency or an imbalance in the body.
According to studies, ingredients found in garlic could help reverse your hair loss.
Some of the benefits of garlic for hair loss include their anti-microbial properties which are known to kill germs and bacteria.
These are responsible for causing damage to one’s scalp thus inhibiting further hair growth.
Garlic contains high levels of vitamin C which is a vitamin known for promoting hair-health by boosting collagen production and stimulating hair growth.
Garlic selenium content helps boost blood circulation for maximum nourishment.
It also cleanses the hair follicles which promotes strength and prevents clogging all aiding in hair growth.
In a study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, topical garlic gel in the treatment of localised alopecia was investigated.
The study noted: “Alopecia areata is a recurrent type of hair loss.
“Different modalities of treatment have been used to induce hair re-growth with the aim of the study to determine the efficacy of topical garlic gel in the treatment of alopecia.”
The study divided patients into two group using either a placebo or the garlic gel and were told to use the treatment twice daily for three months.
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The study recorded the size of hair patches, total number of grown hair and the number of terminal hairs and effectiveness being assessed.
The results revealed a significantly better response for hair growth in the garlic group compared to the placebo group.
The study concluded that the use of garlic gel significantly added to the therapeutic efficacy of topical betamethasone valerate in alopecia.
How to make your at-home garlic gel
Begin by mincing a few cloves of garlic in either olive or coconut oil.
Using a mason jar, pour the gel into the jar and store in a cool and try place for at least three weeks.
After this time, the gel can be added to one’s hair and applied once daily.
To make garlic gel as a hair loss treatment, you can also mince the garlic and add it to either honey or ginger.
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