Grandfather found disturbing sign of cancer while taking a shower

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“In September 2020 I found a lump in my left testicle when I was in the shower,” said Ian.

“Being a typical man, I did nothing about it and didn’t mention it to my wife, Anna.”

But as Ian could still feel the lump a fortnight later, he did the sensible thing and booked a doctor’s appointment.

“It was during Covid, when doctors were not seeing anyone, and I had to describe my symptoms to the receptionist, which I wasn’t very happy about,” Ian recalled.

“However, I did get a call-back offering an appointment the same day.”

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Checked over by the doctor, Ian was sent for a scan the very next day and was booked in for a biopsy at the Royal Surrey Hospital.

“When I heard the word cancer it felt like the end of the world; just the mention of that word makes you think you are going to die,” Ian shared.

“But the doctor did tell me that if I had to have cancer, testicular cancer was one of the best kinds to get.”

A week later, the father-of-three had his testicle removed and he began 10 sessions of radiotherapy.

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Having looked into the side effects of radiotherapy, Ian was worried his hair might fall out.

“Being vain, I had shaved my head to a crewcut,” Ian said, hoping to avoid clumps of hair falling out.

“But [hair loss] didn’t happen, and I didn’t have any other side effect,” said Ian.

“At a follow-up with the consultant he told me everything was fine, but I would need to be monitored with blood tests and CT scans every three months.”

Ian added: “The following year it was every six months and two CT scans, and now I think I am down to just one scan a year.”

The grandfather-of-five said: “I would like to do whatever I can to raise awareness among men not to ignore symptoms, which I think is a tendency.”

Ian Brown is supporting Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life 2023, in partnership with Standard Life.

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