Natural high blood pressure treatment with a specific type of tea
In the case of hypertension are often used to quickly the blood pressure-lowering drug. However, in many cases, the blood pressure without pills reduce. Important here, above all, regular exercise and a healthy diet. It can also help a certain type of tea that is in many of the German house available anyway.
One of the biggest health risks in the Western world
According to health experts, about 20 to 30 million people in Germany alone, high blood pressure (hypertension). Worldwide more than a billion people are affected. Untreated high blood pressure is one of the biggest health risks in the Western world. He is a disease risk factor number One for heart-circulation-and thus for many cases of death due to heart attack or stroke, be responsible. In many cases, hypertension is treated with medicines. But often high blood pressure without drugs lower. Can help, among other things, a certain tea.
Reduce high blood pressure in a natural way
To treat high blood pressure in a natural way, it is important to move regularly, any excess weight, as well as to refrain from cigarettes and high alcohol consumption.
In addition, it is long known that a balanced, healthy diet can significantly help to reduce blood pressure.
It’s quite important salt is in moderation. A salt-rich diet can increase blood pressure. Per day not more than four to six grams of salt should be consumed. To note is that even in the most finished products is often large amounts of salt are included.
The dining plan should generally contain a lot of fruit and vegetables. Certain foods have a particularly positive effect on blood pressure. Are advised, among other things, garlic, beetroot juice and hawthorn.
And also chamomile tea can help get hypertension.
Health-promoting properties of chamomile tea
According to a report by the British portal “Express” is chamomile tea is a drink that can help thanks to certain properties, to lower blood pressure.
The Portal refers to Dr. Sarah Brewer, on your website “mylowerbloodpressure.com” tips on how to combat high blood pressure in a natural way.
The Doctor, according to there chamomile three main properties that can lower blood pressure.
First, chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, which help blood vessel walls to relax and expand.
This is important so that the blood can flow freely through the veins and arteries and a build-up of pressure in the blood vessels is prevented.
Secondly, the chamomile reduces in a natural way the blood pressure, because you will have a similar effect such as diuretics and helps to rid the body of excess salt.
Thirdly, soothes chamomile is a relaxing, calming effect, the Stress and anxiety and promotes sleep.
This is important because a stressed and anxious state of mind can also lead to a rise in blood pressure.
Without The Caffeine
“These measures together help to lower high blood pressure, particularly when hypertension is associated with anxiety and Stress,” said Dr. Brewer.
“Chamomile tea has long been used as a medicinal plant and was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans for its soothing and relaxing properties,” said the Doctor.
“Chamomile tea is enjoyed today, to relieve Stress, to reduce muscle tension relieve and high blood pressure.”
Another advantage of chamomile tea compared to normal tea is that it contains no caffeine, this can result in certain quantities to high blood pressure.
The British health authority in the NHS (National Health Service) recommends not to drink more than four cups of caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea, Cola or energy drinks per day.
“It’s fine, tea and coffee to drink as part of a balanced diet, but it is not important that these drinks are their main or only source of Liquid.” (ad)