Coronavirus is an infectious disease that has been confirmed in more than 25 million people across the world. A nurse in Australia tested positive for COVID-19 after experienced unexplained stomach painl.
The nurse, 37, from Ipswich Hospital’s COVID Ward in Queensland, got tested after developing abdominal pain.
The test came back positive, despite not having any of the more common symptoms.
Stomach pain isn’t usually a sign of COVID, but it shows that everyone should be alert to changes in their own body, said Queenland’s Deputy Premier, Steven Miles.
The nurse is one of the state’s “health heroes”, and has been working on the frontline.
“He identified he had abdominal pain, not normally considered a symptom of COVID-19,” said Miles.
“But he was incredibly wise and he identified that that was a symptom that could be from COVID-19.
“He went and got tested and that test came back positive.
“It underlines how we can all do the right thing by monitoring our health and if we have any symptoms at all that are of any cause for concern we can go and get tests.”
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But just becasue you develop stomach pain, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have coronavirus.
Most abdominal pain is completely normal, and it should usually go away by itself within a few days.
Common stomach pain causes include trapped wind, bloating pain, or even constipation.
You should, however, speak to a doctor if the pain won’t go away, or if it gets significantly worse over a short period of time.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 include a high fever, a new cough, or losing your sense of smell or taste.
If you develop any of these signs in the UK, you should self-isolate at home.
Self-isolation should last for at least 10 days, while other people in your household should self-isolate for 14 days.
Anybody that feels hot to the touch on their chest or back could be showing early coronavirus symptoms.
Similarly, anyone that’s been coughing more than usual for longer than a one-hour period, or if they’ve had at least three coughing episodes every 24 hours, should self-isolate.
Some patients have also reported a sore throat, headaches, and even hiccups.
The government has still advised the public to remain vigilant with social distancing, as the virus continues to spread.
More than 46,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the UK.
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