Tinnitus: a Novel treatment opportunity is explored
Millions of people suffer from Tinnitus. In many cases, the annoying ringing in the ears go away alone. However, some patients are in need of help. Various Tinnitus therapies are available. Scientists now want to test whether Neurofeedback can help Training.
Millions of Germans suffer from Tinnitus
The German Tinnitus League, it comes, every year tens of millions of adults to Tinnitus. Other health experts believe that the disease occurs in ten to 20 percent of the population. Usually the symptoms such as ringing in the ears and ears are buzzing only temporarily. However, millions of people are suffering from chronic Tinnitus. For those Affected, there is now hope: scientists test whether a Neurofeedback Training can help the patients to lessen the burden by phantom sounds.
Noises in the ear can have various causes
Tinnitus causes can be very different. Stress is one of the major causes for ringing in the ears.
But other factors, such as psychological problems or certain physical diseases, can cause unpleasant noise or ringing in the ears.
“In 80 percent of cases of acute Tinnitus goes away with treatments of the respective causes, or by itself. The tinnitus can disappear completely, but it can also remain“, writes the German Tinnitus League on your website.
According to health experts, a chronic Tinnitus is not medically curable, but there are various treatment methods that facilitate the handling of the disease and the patient’s quality of life.
A working group of the Marburg psychology tests whether a Neurofeedback Training can help.
There is no cure for Tinnitus
“The buzzing and hissing in my head is always there. In the cinema, while shopping, even if I go to sleep,“ says Martin Jensen, a communication from the Philipps-University of Marburg.
The Danish psychologist lives since seven years with Tinnitus and researched as a visiting scholar in Marburg a new method, with which the loads are to be mitigated by phantom sounds.
As the communication explains, is Tinnitus a disorder of the auditory function of Affected noise did not perceive the back to an external sound event: the infamous ringing in the ear.
“Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for Tinnitus,” says psychologist Dr. Cornelia way of the Philipps-University, head of the research project.
“Therefore, we explore how a growing number of research groups around the world – a new way to put the ringing in the ears to the Silence.”
Such a novel treatment option offers the Neurofeedback, the effect of which explore the Marburg Team and their cooperation partners from the research center, “Erik Holm Research Center”.
“Tinnitus is a phantom noise,” explains Jensen; “the incessant ringing caused by active neurons in the brain, although the lens is no noise from the outside.”
Concerned to view their own brain activity
With Neurofeedback, the Affected of your own brain to view activity recorded by electrodes on the head surface and displayed on a monitor.
The subjects of the exercise to gain control over the brain processes that occur under normal circumstances, involuntarily.
“With Neurofeedback, we hope to reduce the activity in the brain, for the production of the persistent noise perception is responsible,” says Jensen.
To reduce the ringing in the ear itself, but is only one of several effects, which hopes to achieve the research team with the Training. This should also influence how individuals perceive their Tinnitus and rate.
“Some people live well with Tinnitus and can ignore him, even if he is loud,” explains Wise fellow Eva cabin smoke; “others with a barely audible Tinnitus, however, have great difficulties to accept.”
Serious health consequences
The inability to accept one’s own Tinnitus, can lead to serious health consequences: such as sleep problems, concentration problems or anxiety. But why the disorder is experienced sometimes as so burdensome?
“Presumably, those parts of the brain play a significant role for the processing of emotions,” says way.
“We hope that with the Neurofeedback Training, this so-called Tinnitus-stress network interrupt, so that the Affected with the constant noise in the head better,” explains her employees Martin Jensen.
In addition to Cornelia Wise working group and the “Erik Holm Research Center” involved in the clinic for ear, nose and throat medicine at the University hospital Marburg in cooperation. (ad)