Cancer: A widely used product found to be ‘human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence’

Dr Sara Kayat discusses ants that can smell cancer

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Cancer is a disease associated with occupations, lifestyle or exposures. As such, a number of unknown elements could inadvertently be increasing your risk.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) as a possible human carcinogen.

The European Commission on Endocrine Disruption has also listed BHA as a Category one priority substance, based on evidence that it interferes with hormone function.

BHA is one of many synthetic antioxidants widely used in different product categories including food, food packaging, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. 

The major route of human exposure to BHA is food ingestion. 

According to Very Well Fit, BHA is added to a number of processed foods including butter, lard, meats, cereals, baked goods, sweets, beer, vegetable oils, potato chips, other snack foods, some nut products, dehydrated potatoes, and certain flavouring agents.

BHA has been added to edible fats and fat-containing foods for its antioxidant properties.

It is also used in foods cooked or fried in animal oils, because of its high thermal stability and its ability to remain active in baked and fried foods.

In a report on carcinogens in the Fifteenth Edition, BHA’s toxicity and potential to increase cancer risk was further investigated.

“Routes of human exposure to BHA are ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact,” began the study.

“Dermal exposure to BHA occurs from its use as an antioxidant in cosmetic products, especially lipstick and eye shadow.”

BHA is also used as an antioxidant for some rubber and petroleum products, and it is a stabilizer for vitamin A.

The study concluded: “BHA is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals.”

The FDA considers BHA to be safe for use in processed foods in limited approved amounts.

Research has estimated the amount of BHA that would be present in an average diet and didn’t find any problems.

However, studies suggest that consuming unusually large quantities of BHA may have some interactions with hormonal birth control methods or steroid hormones.

While the FDA allows food manufacturers to use both BHA and BHT, additional studies are still needed to ensure its long-term safety.

BHA is a controversial chemical preservative found in many popular dog foods.

The National Toxicology Program warns that BHA should be “reasonably anticipated” to be a cancer-causing chemical in humans.

However, Government regulations still allow the use of this controversial chemical in pet food because it’s considered safe in low doses.

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