After 2012, at the Berlin Charité hospital again bowel germs showed up. Dangerous they are for the weakened newborns: is Affected, of all things, the Station on which also the four of a kind, the 65-year-old Annegret R. to be supplied.
- Intestinal bacteria in infant station of the Berlin Charité.
- Bottle warmer as a trigger suspected.
- Condition of all affected children is stable.
Already in 2012, the Berlin Charité, had to fight with germs. At that time, several premature babies and babies with Serratien had been infected-Keimein. The death of the infected babies, who joined however, by a heart SURGERY, had nationwide attracted a lot of attention. Now, the intestinal germs are back!
Is supplies affected the Station at the Campus Virchow-Klinikum in the district of Wedding, to which also the four of a kind, the 65-year-old Annegret R. On the local neonatal intensive care unit are now being taken, no other preterm infants, more, you would have to switch to other locations, and hospitals. The hospital announced on Thursday.
"Consistent Barrieren" for the protection of healthy children
The children of Annegret R. were, however, spatially separated from each of the five babies, in which the germ Serratia marcescens had been detected. First cases there was already at 13. April, the last on 23. May, as the Deputy head of the clinic for neonatology, Prof. Christof Dame, said.
He stressed that from the germ-affected and non-affected babies by different nurses and Doctors would care for Teams. There is "consistent Barrieren", in order to protect a total of eight other children on the Station. Normally, the Station has 16 beds, this would not now utilized all of them.
State of the children affected stable
The state of the affected children was "in spite of their very high overall Risikos" stable, it said in a Clinic release. You have extreme diseases, low weight, or heavy support. Three of the children had been infected with the germ and pneumonia, get in another there had been a local inflammation on the eye. In all cases, the antibiotic I mentioned.
The fifth child, the germs were found during recording in the Charité: It was before the heart surgery and was now separated from the other four Concerned, also, with him, the inflammation symptoms were already gone. Whether the bacterial strains were consistent, pointing in the next few days, said the lady. The cases had been reported to the authorities immediately.
Baby bottle warmer could have transferred germs
As a possible route of Transmission of the Charité suspect experts, baby’s bottle warmer, as the lady explained further. They could be used before the start of the outbreak, parents and carers. On the surfaces of the germ think for a long time, but also 20 percent of the normal population carry Serratien. The recent case of 23. May still need further investigation.