- Today is Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s 86th birthday.
- In celebration, clothing company The Outrage, is urging fans to celebrate by planking like RBG.
- RBG is known for crushing it at the gym, and especially loves planking.
One of my personal heroes (and if you have a sweet spot for inspiring, badass women who are legit changing the world, probably one of yours) Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (a.k.a., The Notorious RBG) turns 86 today, and fans are celebrating in the best way possible: by planking on the sidewalk outside of the Supreme Court.
The event, ‘Plank Like RBG’ was organized by clothing company The Outrage.
The Outrage’s Facebook post reads: “On March 15th, we will take over the steps of the United States Supreme Court to revel in the celebration of all celebrations – aka Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Birthday.” The Outrage said the planking mission is to show respect to “THE. MOST. SUPREME. woman who has relentlessly fought for justice for 60+ years.”
The post continued with why exactly the clothing company chose planking as a way to honor RBG: “In a recent interview, when RBG was asked who the most important person was in her life, she replied, ‘My trainer.’ RBG planks day in and day out so that SHE. CAN. KEEP. DISSENTING. I mean, come on, what would we do without her?! Come join The Outrage as we celebrate one of our favorite icons and the OG feminist.”
HAPPIEST of 86th BIRTHDAYS to you, #RBG! Thank you, @theoutrageonline for the inspiration to connect with our colleagues and celebrate our shero! • • #thegirlattorney #theoutrage #rbg #notoriousrbg #planklikerbg #planklikerbgokc
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What happens when you combine two female founders, an Ivy League runner+doctor, TWO DC running teams, gorgeous weather, and the birthday of an iconic Supreme Court justice ? Well, for one, I wear color, apparently. KIDDING. Magic is what happens. What a gorgeous morning with strong women joining together on a mission to empower women. The @summittosoul #hillrunners (helmed by @Kim.wattrick ) and @oiselle DMV volée were joined by the mothership @oiselle_sally and @drlesko for a celebratory shakeout. Heads up, wings out! . . . . . #PlankLikeRBG #headupwingsout #oiselleteamdmv #oisellevolée #summittosoul #dcrunners #dcfitness #fitdistrict #thefitdistrict @thefitdistrict @igdc @walkwithlocals @365dmv @runnerscommunity
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RBG has a rep for crushing it at the gym. In fact, when Politico writer Ben Shreckinger tried her workout last year, he said: “It nearly broke me.” There’s even a book published on her fitness plan.
If you need even more proof that RBG is a total BA, viewers get a glimpse of the octagenarian’s gym plan in her documentary, RBG, which came out last May. Let’s just say she can lift weights and plank with the best of ’em.
“I’ve heard that she does 20 pushups three times a week or something, I mean we can’t even get off the floor, we can’t even get down to the floor,” says one woman interviewed in the documentary.
Women who can’t make it to Washington D.C. are getting in on the action too, posting their own planks with the hashtag #PlanklikeRBG.
Happy Birthday, RBG! Here’s to many more!
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