If you’re in need of some additional motivation while working out, you could do worse than channeling one of the most famous underdog athletes in all of cinema. That’s right, we’re talking about Rocky Balboa himself. Actor (and low-key style icon) Sylvester Stallone has launched an online store selling an array of workout gear based on the beloved 1976 movie, which he both wrote and starred in.
The clothing line includes a selection of grey hoodies and sweats, so you can live out your very own iconic training montage, a T-shirt advertising Shamrock Meats Inc. complete with a rendering of Rocky pummelling some beef, and a black fedora hat identical to the one Stallone continues to wear in the follow-up Creed movies, as well as a Rocky-inspired boxing robe, with “Italian Stallion” emblazoned on the back. “Top quality and great memories,” Stallone wrote of the robe on social media.
The collection also includes nods to Stallone’s other best-known character, John Rambo; a military fatigue-style overshirt with J. Rambo sewn into the chest will set you back $125.
But it’s not just movie merch and memorabilia that Stallone is selling; you can also buy authentic Tuf-Wear boxing gloves, which he calls “the great equalizer,” and which he promises will feel like “getting hit with a bowling ball” in your next sparring workout. “Mr T almost showed me my own liver with this glove,” he says in a promotional video on Instagram. “When you punch with these… it hurts.”
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Browse the collection at SlyStalloneShop.com
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