No more excuses, Outdoor-Sport combines Aktivität and experience of nature. Still not üassured? These tips will make you want to have a run round the Park or forest
Übers water: Ungewösimilar Terrain brings variety to the Jogging unit
If the air is humid, the rain of the Bätrees dripping – and others to stay at home rather genießt Marius Föfirst of Schöngeising in Müthe Run Munich the most. "Then fühle I connected me with nature." As a doctor, and trail runner, he can recommend to Outdoor sports to everyone. Just in Früspring, when the sun is shining and wärmt, it is ideal to start. Beginners fällt it is then easier for sports regelmäßig and durable in your everyday life.
Martina Barth and fitness group it is now in the Regensburg city Park. Each week, the sports teacher, trained there with Outdoor Fans. For an hour the Meadow, then to the gym; Stairs, Parkbänke and Köbody weight replace the Geräte.
The pig dog sweat
It is the experience of nature, the hobby of athletes especially after draußen lures, says the sports scientist Dr. Volker Audorff of the Universität Bayreuth. Sportphysicians such as Professor Uwe Tegtbur, MD, Director of the Institute für sports medicine of the Hannover Medical school, schäappreciate the health Benefits of endurance-Outdoor-Aktivitäth. This will help in diseases such as type 2 Diabetes or Bluthigh-pressure and reduce the risk dafür.
But Outdoor exercise has its Tücover. What to do in case of bad weather, with hay fever or aching joints? Here, experts give Ratschläge – and a "Ausrede" apply.
"To me, the weather is often schlecht"
It’s all a matter of the right clothes, says trainer Martina Barth. With mehseveral layers of Fabric at the Köthe body and a breathable jacket you will not freeze, even in Wind and rain. Advantage of this so-called onion-principle: the sun Comes out but still or wäthe motion, rmt, individual layers can be drop.
"I have to fü little time;r regelmäßowned Sport"
The appointment calendar is full? Who wants to play sports, have to plan well. Especially at the beginning of a movement diary can be useful, in the solid dates. Record how much you move every day. The power of pride – and a desire for more, said coach Barth.
You should also set specific and achievable goals. For example: In two months, I want 20 minutes on Stück Jogging köcan. Every week you have to train a bit läViking or erhöhen the Intensität. sports groups, the regelmäßig meet, motivate zusäin addition, exchanges and common progress Spaß and inspire. The group forced a Ücal.
"After evening sports, I sleep schlecht"
During exercise the adrenal adrenaline into the blood from – the more intense the stress, the more. "The hormone speeds up heart rate and breathing, erhöht the blood pressure and improves blood flow to the Muskulatur", physicians Uwe Tegtbur says. The disadvantage is that This effect only sounds allmäugly. The night’s sleep to gewäensure, should fail of the evening sports moderate. Generally speaking, athletes sleep better than Non-athletes.
"I live in the city – this is not a place für Outdoor Sport"
Along busy Straßyou should tatsäactually not to make an effort. Only künewly a British study has shown that the positive effects of Sport on the lungs and the circulatory system by Rußparticles, fine dust and nitrogen oxides are reduced to nothing. Especially in Großstäcities, the air pollution in some neighborhoods is extremely high.
In Parks with many Bäthe trees, the air is much better. You köcan there – as in lärural nature – walking or riding a bike. The offer für Outdoor Fitness with special training groups is usually in the Stäcities far größhe than in the country. The more elaborate and demanding of a sport, the more reasonable it is to start from a Trainer guide.
So schüyou will appreciate the Stumble
- You train your muscles – especially in the legs. You react quickly, let Stücoming soon avoid.
- Stäthey strengthen the deep torso muscles. This stabilizes the Köbody.
- You can train coordination and balance. The Üexercises (about the wobble Board) barfuß durchführen.
- Schüyou will appreciate in your head: Pull your chin to your chest, lifting you quickly to the arms für zusä- protection.
- In the ideal case, it is possible for you yourself to roll. You turn to the side and bend Hähands, arms, and legs.
"I’m not in shape, get fast Muskelkater"
Every beginning is difficult. They, therefore, also in the wöthe literal sense of small steps. You walking around in shallow Geläthe beaches are a few minutes. "Slight muscle soreness after a workout is not that bad – rather, they show you that the load stimmt", Martina Barth says. The best sports regelmäßig and always with äsimilar Intensität. soon will be tolerated by your muscles more and have less pain.
"My knee pain sofort"
While Running and Jogging, the weight rests on the legs. Maybe üthe berfordert the muscles, joints, Tendons and Bä. Ideally, the Köbody allmäwas beginning to gewöstand up and with a joint-gentle sports that Nordic Walking or Cycling to start. In the case of osteoarthritis of the knee, you should be especially careful. If Your Füße unequal burden, to help orthopäJewish deposits. Shoes should neither be too tight nor too loose and, according to doctors Tegtbur profile. This gives support and prevents Stücoming soon. Well gedäfought soles and a soft forest floor to relieve the joints.
"I think I’m going to krank"
Intense stress schwächt vorütemporarily, the defense. If you in spite of Erkäcold train, it can run harder. Especially the risk fü increases;r complications such as a Herzmuskelentzümaking. Who is in a fever should pause.
"I am against Pollen allergisch"
Nevertheless, köyou can draußen sports. However, you should training time and intensität the conditions in the Free customize. The allergen load is high, reduce your workload. This is also true in the case of high ozone or fine particulate pollution.
Weather Apps on the Computer or mobile phone to indicate the hours with a low Allergen and ozone pollution and facilitate the design of the wötraining plan public. Generally, the morning hours as well as days on which it rains, are the best sports doctors Tegtbur says. Then the air is allergenarm. You always speak with your doctor: Perhaps he adjusts your dose of medication or has other tips.
"Jogging, walking, Biking: for me everything is much too boring!"
Try out other sports, such as horse riding, rock Climbing or Golf. You go out on the water for kitesurfing, Stand up Paddling or Canoeing.
Another Möurgent wäre to practice their usual sports in a different surroundings: go for a Jog in the Geläbeaches, go mountain Biking instead of Cycling. "A trip to the Mountains, a trip on unknown Trails through the meadows or the woods, is perhaps the nötransparent new Impulse", sports scientists Audorff says. A new stimulus can also be an E-Bike, with which you lälonger routes bewäa casi.
Using Fitness Apps and training computers köyou can control your new stress better.
Tips from the pharmacist
The gehört in the sports bag:
- With an adhesive bandage and a wound disinfection agent minor wounds can provide.
- In höa result risk of injury are a kühlendes Gel and a Kühlkompresse useful, and an elastic bandage to secure the compress.
- Against the mechanical stress on the skin schüprotect blister plasters or special protection albums.
- Who goes out at night in the summer on a lake and Jogging, needs a Müpress repellent. Who tagsüber sportelt, should sun pack protection.
More tips and athlete check-list to Download, see www.au-checkliste.de
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