Pasta cooking is not hard, pasta portioning, however, very. Often a lot of Pasta for the next day. Surprisingly, these “radicals-Ration can have” a positive effect on the weight, because the noodles from the previous day have cooked fewer calories than fresh.
Good news for all the carbohydrate-lovers:, potatoes or rice are healthier and calories are pasta with a simple Trick poorer. "During the Cooling of starchy foods starch as a degradation product resistant. This has a positive effect on the intestinal flora, regulates blood sugar levels and may even when you Remove helfen", Antje knows Gahl of the German nutrition society.
The calorie content of resistant starch is, according to the consumer Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, in fact, only about half as high as that of carbohydrates, with an average of 4 kcal per gram. But don’t worry, you don’t have to do without in the future, on hot meals. Warm potatoes, pasta and rice after Cooling again, the proportion of resistant starch largely preserved.
Resistant starch is fibre – the made a long-term saturation effect
For the first time, a team of researchers from the University of Surrey has observed this phenomenon. The scientists asked in the context of the BBC series "Trust me, I'm a doctor" Test people, noodles, both hot, cold, or food warmed up. After each meal the blood were measured sugar values. After eating the warmed-up pasta, the blood sugar increase was reduced in the subjects, in contrast to the freshly cooked noodles in half.
Dr. Michael Mosley, involved in the study, explains in his book “Smart food for the colon” how, exactly, it comes to this result: “Resistant starch is a starch that cannot be digested in the stomach and the small intestine, the body cannot absorb this many calories”. The indigestible starch is a type of dietary fiber, as it passes through the small intestine without being recycled. Dietary fiber by its indigestible or “resistant” starch full longer.
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Fatty acid butyrate reduces inflammation and strengthens the intestinal wall
The indigestible starch in the large intestine where it is broken down, the fatty acid butyrate. This is considered as a main source of energy for the mucosa of the colon-based cells. Butyrate is available in sufficient quantities, can promote the acid a healthy intestinal flora and prevent infections.
For the desired weight-loss effect: food in the fridge and properly prepare
Let your Portion of pasta or potatoes before eating them so cool. It may take up to twelve hours, until the thickness of the food to emerge. So that the food doesn’t spoil in this time, should you be after a short Cooling in the refrigerator.
Who pasta, rice or potatoes from the previous day enriches with too much fat in the Form of Oil, lard or cheese, compensates for the Cooling down the reduced calorie content of more than. As a clear Marinade to healthier and low-calorie variant are, for example, pasta or potato salads with vinegar. Also fresh vegetables is a good Supplement.
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