Genome Editing is a progressive genetic engineering, plant DNA precise. You can reduce allergens, resistance to weather extremes increase, and the long-term the diet of the growing world population. An outdated EU law and the label “Without genetic engineering”, which stirs up unnecessary Fears, contrary to the.
The world’s population is growing rapidly. It is estimated that by 2050 over nine billion people will live on the earth. Already in the last 20 years, the world’s increased population, at the same time less people are starving today than it was then. But still more than 800 million people are under – or malnourishment.
Until all people have access to sufficient and quality food, it takes even more effort. The world health organization expects that the demand for food doubles by 2050. The cultivation surfaces, however, are in many places declining. Reasons for this are the continuing urbanization, Erosion, salinization and sealing. To meet these global challenges, is a joint political effort.
Climate change and pests: a threat to the harvest
This means that agriculture needs to produce on a limited amount of space, more and more food, so that there is enough for everyone there. Extreme weather events, plant diseases and pests are real threats for the harvest. Also in our Latitudes, the climate change alters the management.
Carina Konrad is a graduate agricultural engineer and farmed with her husband on a farm in Bickenbach in Rheinland-Pfalz. In September 2017, they moved in for the FDP in the German Bundestag. She is the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for food and agriculture.
Greater fluctuations in yields and new pests and diseases on cereals are already a reality. In order to cope with these challenges, can make modern plant breeding is an important contribution can be bred in a short period of time, plants that require less water, fertilizer, pesticides, light or space, and are more resistant, for example against weather influences or bacteria.
Genome Editing: cut on the strand of DNA from plants
In America, this kind of plants the Status quo. One of the new biotechnological breeding methods, Genome Editing means. This is a nature-identical method, the modified quickly and accurately the DNA of plants, so that in a short time and very cost-effective new varieties of produce. FOCUS Online/Wochit Extreme drought is normal: the cards show, as dry as a bone Germany
Here, the DNA strand of a Plant at a certain position from being cut. In the case of the repair of the break, DNA can be added or replaced. The genome can be faster and cheaper change than by conventional methods.
EU-gene technology act is out of date
Through Genome Editing, the mutations can be targeted (instead of in the traditional breeding methods happen to) be brought about. At the end of the DNA sequence of natural mutations is indistinguishable. And that’s exactly where the uncertainty lies.
In Europe produced by plants falling under the European genetic engineering law, and must be regulated as genetically modified plants, although the plants themselves there is no evidence of more for the used breeding method can be provided. This legal uncertainty has been solved in America, by treated in this way produced crops such as traditional varieties. These differences in the interpretation of the law in the European practice, significant problems.
Genome Editing: the reduction of allergens and Gluten
The new varieties, according to the new methods have the great advantage that they allow, for example, the reduction of allergens or Gluten. The European genetic engineering law is based on scientific findings of the nineties, which are now obsolete for a long time. FOCUS Online/Wochit plant virus spreads in Germany: “harvest of stocks in danger”
On the basis of which the European court of justice in 2018, has decided, all of the mutagenesis procedure, as the genetic engineering classified: not only the classic, in which chemical substances and radioactive radiation are used, but also the new Genome-Editing method with the so-called “Genschere”. Thus, the opportunities offered by the new methods can also be used, needs to be revised, the European genetic engineering law a matter of urgency. Otherwise, the logical consequence would be foreclosure of the market.
Anti-genetic engineering campaigns leave traces
Although the science is not agreed that the so-modified plants are harmful and even have a positive impact on the environment, rejects a great majority of the German people, you, because you suggested that these procedures are not to be equated with genetic engineering. This is wrong. The Anti-genetic engineering campaigns of different organizations, have left their traces. FOCUS Online “Is degrading”: The issue of state drought assistance-Saxon peasant emotionally
The label “Without genetic engineering”, which is used as a marketing tool and suggests a product, without genetic engineering would be better, or healthier, strengthened the Fears of the people. Genetic engineering will be rejected as an interference in the nature, because it is believed, mother nature had something in mind, to create a Plant so and not otherwise. However, breeding is based no matter what kind, on the change in principle.
Genetically modified crops can ensure food in the world
Science has proven that genetically modified plants not more danger than the standard varieties. On the contrary, they bring a number of advantages and could help us to secure the nutrition of the world’s population permanently and to increase the quality of life of Allergy sufferers by culture, plants are grown without certain allergens.
Therefore, the Free Democrats in the Bundestag for a technology that is open to the genetic engineering law, and fight to seize the opportunities of new methods, as other countries do for a long time. We need an open and wide-ranging awareness-raising campaign about the opportunities of these new varieties. Otherwise, you are always moving more and more well-trained scientists from abroad and Germany is guilty, in probably a debate to have the responsibility for the poor in the world to forget.