The keto queen strikes again—this time she’s divulging her entire keto daily menu. (Praise be.)
Jenna Jameson—who lost 80 pounds on the diet after starting it in April—literally outlined her whole day, which includes an 8 a.m. wakeup call with a cup of regular coffee stirred with stevia and a sugar-free creamer.
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#mondaymotivation So I thought I’d do an updated menu Here is an example of what I eat in the day on #keto I wake at 8 am and have a cup of regular coffee with stevia and sugar free Italian sweet cream creamer. I then wait until 11 am to eat breakfast. I have hard boiled eggs prepared already in my fridge so I peel three, cut a full avocado add it together and sprinkle with “everything but the bagel” seasoning. At around 2 pm I start to feel hungry again so I cook a steak in a pan with avocado oil, serve it over arugula. Also remember, I eat kosher so I don’t eat dairy and meat together, but you should feel welcome to! At around 4 I snack on cottage cheese, about a cup. At 5 I prepare salmon in the oven with lemon butter and dill. I like to pair it with asparagus or broccoli. I #intermittentfast from 6pm-11am I drink water while fasting and also tea if I feel like it. I feel satisfied and full, with no need for snacks or candy. I take a prenatal vitamin daily for those wondering Also remember I am breastfeeding still, so if I feel hungry, I EAT!!!! I find that staying away from keto breads and snacks help me lose weight. I recommend sticking to whole organic foods and you will see the weight drop off. Remember my friend, losing weight isn’t easy, it’s a challenge. Push past your fear of failing and make the change! Love you! #beforeandafter #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #ketodiet
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The 44-year-old pairs intermittent fasting with her keto lifestyle, which means after her coffee, she waits until 11 a.m. to eat her breakfast (FYI: Jenna typically fasts from 6 p.m. to 11 a.m.).
When Jenna finally breaks her fast, she goes for three already-prepared hardboiled eggs and a full avocado, cut up together and sprinkled with Trader Joe’s Everything But The Bagel seasoning.
That typically holds her over until lunch time. “At around 2 p.m. I start to feel hungry again so I cook a steak in a pan with avocado oil, serve it over arugula,” she wrote. “Also remember, I eat kosher so I don’t eat dairy and meat together, but you should feel welcome to!” So yeah, to reiterate: Jenna Jameson literally eats steak for lunch.
Jenna said she snacks on cottage cheese around 4 p.m., then begins dinner prep around 5 p.m.—usually salmon with lemon butter and dill. She pairs that with asparagus or broccoli, then starts her fast.
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Answers to my most asked questions. What hours do you intermittent fast? 6pm to 11am 5 days a week. Did you work out on top of keto to get your results? NO! I only began lifting weights and a bit of yoga this last month. Why are your tattoos switched in the pictures? One image is taken in the mirror. How tall are you? 5’7” Will you stay on keto forever? YES, it makes me feel strong and sharp. Why would I want to go back to feeling like a sloth? What do you put in your morning coffee? Sugar free coffee mate and stevia. Italian sweet cream coffee mate is my only vice. Did keto effect you milk supply? (I’m a nursing mom) no, but I recommend not doing keto until your baby is eating solids and breastfeeding. Just as a precaution. All mamas supplies and nursing journeys are different. What do you do if you hit a weight loss plateau? I cut dairy for a few days and it works like a charm! Love you guys, keto on! #ketodiet #intermittentfasting #beforeandafterweightloss #weightlossjourney #beforeandafter #ketomama #qanda #sahmlife
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Honestly, Jenna’s diet sounds damn decadent—and she agrees.”I feel satisfied and full, with no need for snacks or candy,” she said, adding that she definitely doesn’t deprive herself because she’s still nursing her daughter, Batelli. Basically, “If I feel hungry, I EAT!!!!” she wrote. (Jenna also still takes a prenatal vitamin, btw—again, because she’s still breastfeeding.)
As far as keto shortcuts, Jenna’s not necessarily about that life: “I find that staying away from keto breads and snacks helps me lose weight,” she wrote, adding that she feels sticking to whole, organic foods is the way to go for the best weight-loss results.
But, while Jenna definitely does make weight loss seem simple, she made sure to remind her fans that it’s anything but. “Remember my friend, losing weight isn’t easy, it’s a challenge,” she wrote. “Push past your fear of failing and make the change!”
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