- Jenna Jameson opened up about being a mom on the keto diet in her latest Instagram post.
- Following the keto diet can be difficult if you need to prepare non-keto meals for your family.
- Jenna has some quick, easy tricks for making meals that satisfy both her family and herself.
Jenna Jameson’s been on the keto diet for just about a year now, and she’s clearly killing it. But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t had her share of keto obstacles to conquer.
Take being a mom, for example: Jenna’s daughter Batel does not follow a keto diet (you know, because she just turned two—though she does love some of Jenna’s favorite foods like her famous “bomblette” and “savage cabbage”). That means Jenna can’t completely cut carbs from her kitchen.
But in her latest Instagram post, Jenna says she makes it work as a mom on the keto diet. In the photo, Jenna talks about how she’s preparing for her three stepsons’ visit over the next few months. “It’s so important I focus and keep on track,” she wrote. “Preparing meals for kids while avoiding excessive carbs isn’t easy.”
Now that my three stepsons are here for the next few months, it’s so important I focus and keep on track. Preparing meals for kids while avoiding excessive carbs isn’t easy. So I make sure I make meals that we all can enjoy together, while the carbs are easily subtracted for me! I love making spaghetti bolognese for them, and I just eat mine with zucchini noodles! Also I will roast chicken or brisket with potatoes and I’ll forgo the spuds. Moral of this post is, being a #keto mom is quite doable! Make sure you keep up with my stories to see my amazing boys from Israel #beforeandafterweightloss #momlife #beforeandafter #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #ketotransformation #ketodiet #ketosis #intermittentfasting #ketomom
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But Jenna’s got some pretty simple hacks for making sure she stays keto (and making sure her family doesn’t need to give up carbs). “I make sure I make meals that we can all enjoy together, while the carbs are easily subtracted for me,” she wrote.
A few of Jenna’s favorite go-to family meals? “I love making spaghetti bolognese for them, and I just eat mine with zucchini noodles,” she wrote. “Also I will roast chicken or brisket with potatoes and I’ll forgo the spuds.”
Basically, Jenna wants her followers to know being on the keto diet doesn’t mean having to deprive your family of the foods they love. “Being a #keto mom is quite doable,” she wrote. Can this woman write a keto book already?
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