The krebs- causing substance found in many foods. Since April, there is therefore an EU regulation, consumers from to much Acrylamide schüto protect. But there is also criticism of the limits
"Gold plating instead of verkohlen": Toast bread should be crispy, but not black
Long it had become the topic of breastfeeding. In the Öpublic at least. Behind the Türen of Behöauthorities and laboratories is, however, advised acrylamide, never forgotten. Now the EU has with the krebsauslösend substance. Since the 11. April is your regulation, food manufacturers, concrete Maßtook prescribes, so that consumers möto take as little acrylamide.
Reminder: In 2002, Swedish researchers had found the substance quite by accident for the first time in food. Industrially, it is used for example for the production of plastics or as an Absorbent in diapers. But the researchers had no Chemiescandal revealed: acrylamide is formed during baking, Frying and deep-frying of potato – and cereal products, as well as the Römost of coffee or cocoa.
The höthe temperature, the more acrylamide
It is a by-product of the reaction, which gives about fried potatoes brown crust and toast bread until crispy. It’s in biscuits, waffles, gingerbread, Chips, bread and many other foods. Acrylamide is formed when food the natünatural Eiweißpart of aspartic and contain sugar and hömore Temperaturen, be prepared.
"Starting at about 120 degree of the content increases constant, at about 160 to 170 degrees, he takes leaps and bounds zu", erklärt Professor Alfonso lamps, head of the Department of food safety at the Federal Institute für risk assessment in Berlin. With the amount of the Krebs­ increases;risk. This has not been demonstrated in humans, but in rodents. In some studies, researchers tried to acrylamide consumption of people with the Häfrequency of Krebsto put diseases. However, the results widertalk – probably because such studies fehleranfädigit.
Carcinogenic: acrylamide verächanges the genetic material
But läthe risk fü sst;r rats on people ütransferred? Those who deny this, given lamps a cancellation. He makes the feast of intermediate products, which can be in animals as in people in the blood evidence: acrylamide zunä is;first, in the liver converted, the reaction product attaches itself to the genetic material DNA, "very fest", how to lamp says. The bound Subpunching can be the building blocks of the genetic material verächange. Thus, it has the potential to cause cancer.
Außalso, approach people with the quantities of acrylamide, which will take you to be relatively close to the concentration that gives animals cancer. "Therefore, a minimization is urgently nötig", stresses lamps. Because wäwhile the content of acrylamide was reduced into Chips or biscuits shortly after its discovery, and a further Maßtook to reduce practically to a standstill.
Stricter rules für große manufacturers and Fast Food chains
This has led the EU Commission, the manufacturers to adopt stricter rules. The European Parliament and of the Council of Ministers agreed, in April, the new EU regulation came in force. It is differentiated between großen manufacturers, Fast Food chains and small Bäworks, Gaststätten or takeaways – wherein the assignment in some Fäcases still open &ndash is; and makes the industry different strict requirements.
So you should varieties of potato wämiss, the little acrylamide. In addition, düthe tubers may only use a certain amount of time and only in the case of more than six degrees to be stored. The production of French fries, cut strips müshot prior to the distribution in water or blanched to be inserted.
Even the temperature of the Frittieröls is prescribed – and much, much more. In the case of small, the targets are operated a total of less strict. Especially müyou need to let your products do not analyze.
Criticism of the HöHey, the acrylamide-limits
There is no minimum value, wherein the acrylamide with a security safe. Therefore, fü apply;r, the allowed quantities instead of limit values, so called reference values. You give a Maß to "vernünftigerweise" technically lä reach;sst, without the taste of the food too much to verächange. This, in turn, is natüof course, a matter of interpretation. Therefore, the guideline is based value of measurement data of Behöauthorities and companies. He is somewhat below the höfor the next measurement value of the foodstuff.
Instead, hätte, the EU should at least take the average value as a benchmark, however, Verbraucherschübackers. The values köcan also seasonal, geographic and other Grüthe vary, a spokeswoman for the Federal office für consumer protection and Lebensmittelsecurity. Other experts believe, however, in the case of constant production conditions, the fluctuation width is not particularly groß.
Acrylamide länot sst avoid it completely
To lax or to großzügig, this is the üalleged dispute between Verbraucherschützern and manufacturers. The former criticise the Bäbakery, or the Gaststätte must not make any analysis. The Hotel and Gaststättenverband is glad darüber, he finds the whole regulation unnötig.
The consumers are by regulation küin the future, better geschützt. You köcan in the own Küche much füdo your protection (see below). Very lä avoid;acrylamide sst in normal Ernäcurrency is not. And who like a Tüte Chips eaten, not to Worry. The best tip für a möas possible low load on the food label, and also when Snacking für a change.
Ernäallure tips: köyou can acrylamide reduzieren
There is also in the own Küchen some tips to the formation of Acrylto reduce the amide. The most important rule: In case of doubt, prefer to cook instead of frying, baking or deep-frying – as there is no acrylamide is born. Otherwise, the ­ is;Foreign exchange "gold plating instead of verkohlen" – if when you toast bread or French fries.
- When frying the Ö should;temperature be a maximum of 175 degrees. Measure läthe sst with a Thermometer from the trade; the display of the fryer is usually less accurate.
- The basket, when the fries are Golden.
- GrößEUA Fries are güconvenient, because acrylamide is mainly due to the Oberfläche. The same is true in the baking of Weihnachtspläkitten.
- Potatoes fry only pre-cooked, until they are Golden yellow.
- Rohkartoffeln dark, but not in the Kürefrigerator store.
- Immature, beschädamaged, grünfleckige or sprouting potatoes.
- If it was meant to be potato chips, rather then bright. Should you ­ anyway sparingly;consume – also because für you are allowed a very high acrylamide amounts.
- The baking temperature should hö without circulating air up to 200 degrees, with convection;a maximum of 180 degrees, respectively. Für Pläprovides better 10 degrees less. Use baking paper.
- Moist gingerbread contain less acrylamide than very dry.
- Grain forms different amounts of acrylamide. Maize and rice have at the least, it is wheat, oats, and rye follow in ascending order.
- When Weißbread should be, the crust light.
- "Gold plating instead of verkohlen" also fü is;r baked Brötchen and toast bread.
- Also, chocolate may be due to the geröcontinuous cocoa acrylamide.
- In the case of coffee Arabica instead of Robusta beans wäselect, no Instant or Chicory coffee.
- To Frühstück oatmeal is better than corn flakes and other cereals to eat.
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