Enough of the school sports?

An hour of exercise per day, the world health organization (WHO) for children. The WHO calls not even a Sport, you’re already happy with simple activities such as walking, climbing stairs or Cycling. Because “parents and kids are frozen in the last ten to 15 years really,” says the sports scientist Endré Puskas from Berlin.

For 20 years, Puskas is in the sport health Park Berlin in the program “Fidelio” active. There is overweight and sedentary children and young people to the fun activity of learning. From Puskas’ point of view, a week two or three Times 45 minutes school sports can no longer compensate for existing deficits for a long time.

“Build up, break down, the presence, in a row, and wait until it jumps time ever, the Bock – this has nothing to do with Sport and exercise,” says Puskas. Of the 45 minutes remained after a Change of clothes and warm-up of about eight to ten minutes left, in which children austobten physically.

Children are little long-term impact is almost always negative, from Obesity through Diabetes to joint and problems with concentration. Many of us experience as adolescents and adults the consequences of their lack of exercise.

Leisure? Incorrect display

Smartphones, Tablets, TV and computer games are regarded by many experts as one of the causes for the inertia among children. Hendrik Hein, a father and a sports teacher at the Carl-Schurz Schule in Frankfurt am Main, represents this view. He sees, however, other causes.

Children of today had a tight schedule, much of it in the Seats. Non-Leisure Planned? Fail display. Hein also observed that the spaces shrink, in which children without close monitoring can work out. “If I am as a child twenty Times from the tree, jumped, then I know what I’m doing,” says the gym teacher. This is the best way to acquire the basics of body control, which can prevent worse accidents when Playing.

The lack of movement the same as the school sports today, also believes Hein. In addition, the sports lessons of the case at many schools, often as the First. The teacher considers it important, in the case of movement offered to the spirit of the children to meet. “With Parkour-Training I can convince my students tend to make the same movements, as if I call the gymnastics.”

“Treasure hunt” instead of walk

Sit less and less time in front of screens are a win for kids because all the experts agree. The Federal centre for health education (BZgA) recommends a minimum of 1.5 hours of exercise a day, especially after long periods of Sitting, such as in the school. In two to three days it may be quiet strenuous, whether it’s at football training or Swimming.

Other activities do not have to be expensive and time-consuming – and can often be easily integrated into everyday life. The school can be done sometimes on foot or with the wheel. If parents search the walk to the “treasure” to explain, especially younger children, more for delight, is another Council of the BZgA. Who finds first a little Red, or the most beautiful stone?

In addition, families should go in any weather out in the Park, on the Playground or just to romp, play and balancing on trees, walls and stairs. But inside movement is possible, for example, if parents leave the Small caves build or the carpet is a meadow to the game. Sports teacher Hein says: “You have to take away the children of the convenience!” Who wants children to move without instructions, need to promote their autonomy: “Go walking, take your bike, that alone is a big point,” said Hein.

If it works, it can also help YouTube

Moderate workout at the gym would be a good match for older young people, says the gym teacher. Free Sport and exercise in Parks or on recreation grounds is, in many places, ping pong tables, basketball hoops or goals to Kick to be found. The Federal centre for health education (BZgA) recommends, in addition to sports clubs, Fitness and movement apps. Parents should select their children a suitable offer. Also on YouTube channels and Influencers to present motivating part of fitness exercises for at home, with the potential of the offspring.

Éndre Puskas observed, however, also positive trends, young parents increasingly pay attention to nutrition and media consumption, or the offspring time to go Jogging take. Overwhelm you could challenge the kids more, the sport scientists: “If the child is on the border, then more power to it. The only adults do.” He appealed to parents: “We all need to be active, and we need to move – then have the children move in with us.”